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7 Votes

Death Prophet- The push-nuke carry tank

December 11, 2011 by eGam
Comments: 4    |    Views: 39144    |   

Hero Build

DotA2 Hero: Death Prophet

Hero Skills

Witchcraft (Innate)

Crypt Swarm

1 3 5 7


4 10 13 14

Spirit Siphon

2 8 9 12


6 11 16


15 17 18


DP is not a simple hero, it must be played right and you must take every advantage from your opponent with your amazing pushing power and nuke power. She can easily disable anything that comes in front of her and spam nuke with the help of witchcraft giving her amazing extra effects on all of her spells, including her movement speed. Although DP is not played as much as other heroes this guide will show you how to easily carry your team by simple pushing and nuking strategies.

Skills(hopefully spell images are put in soon)

First, lets talk about skills and in which order to pick them up. I start the game with a point on locust swarmlocust swarm and end up maxing it by level 7 as it is my strongest nuke doing massive loads of damage, going 700 distance and up to 300 AOE. The next important skill to pick up is Witchcraft witchcraft is an amazing spell, it makes your heroes movement speed faster, decreasing manacost on both locust swarm and Silence and decreasing its cooldown on both spells and adding extra spirits on exorcism.
In the midst of picking spells I get one level of silence at level 4 just for safety in case I get caught in a bad position and end up maxing it last. I pick up my ultimate at 6/11/16.


Item choice for DP is rather simple, you want to have as much health as you can while having lots of mana regen. I start the game with 3 GG branches(iron branches) a salve, a stout, and a set of tangoes.

Early game I go for Treads or Phase(your choice, both great items on this hero)a bottle, magic wand and vanguard. A bottle will allow me to have much more lane control after 2 nukes I should be able to push the lane back to his tower and go search for a rune which should keep me in lane for as long as I want. A Vanguard on the other hand will give me much more survive-ability when fighting enemy heroes and pushing lanes.

As for my items from Mid-Late game I go for a bloodstone. Bloodstones give you mana regen, health regen and lots of health/mana, with each charge you'll be getting stronger and stronger and harder to kill. The next item I pick up is a heart, this will allow me to almost never die and continue fighting my enemy by being my teams tank. Next I go for a shiva, which I think(on DP) is more important to get than a Scythe of vyse, this will give me much more armor(rememeber armor=HP=More Tanking) and lots of more mana regen, i finish my build with a Scythe of vyse. Remember you don't keep your items the whole time. By the end it should look like this

Remember you can also get Phase boots

The Lanning phases( early, mid and late)

If your following this guide, I suggest that you solo mid with this hero. Last hitting shouldn't be a problem and neither should nuking the opponent in the lane. Picking up a bottle will help you significantly as to the fact that you are able to nuke your opponent, and at the same time kill the creeps with it. The more you push the easier it will be for you to pick up runes without missing any important EXP. At level 6 I try to kill my opponent or force them to go base and automatically turn my ultimate on to kill the tower. Exorcism is Physical and destroys towers, and let alone does not allow anyone to 1vs1 you. It does 45 damage per spirit every-time they hit, taking this tower out should be VERY easy, if creeps come you should be able to take them out in 2 nukes. When I pick up the first middle tower I know have enough gold to get boots, a magic wand and a ring of health. Next, I go to gank I can easily nuke an enemy out, and even better I can chase them with witchcraft speed and boots. After a successful gank your ultimate should be up allowing you to take yet another tower. By this time I have a vanguard finished and I tell my team to kill the last tier 1 tower left(the most outer-tower in the game) I go to that lane and help them easily push it down, if the enemy team is defending you can dive and even pick up a few kills.

During mid- game I should have Treads, Vanguard, wand and a bloodstone. Bloodstone is not picked up as much anymore because of the HUGE NERF on how much you lose per death, but you should not be dying that much or even at all. In teamfights during midgame try staying a bit back allowing your ultimate to significantly damage the enemy team, use Locust Swarm as much as you can, by this time it should have a cooldown of 4-5 seconds making it easily spammable. During this whole course the best thing to do is keep pushing the enemy team and taking down their towers, this will help because it will give you much more map vision/control. Next item that I pick up is Heart, this item is ****ing amazing, it gives you a ****load of Health, and when out of action amazing regen of health. This item will allow you to tank even more, at this point in a teamfight you should be upfront and tanking because if the enemy jumps you, your chances of survival are very high, with a spammable nuke and disabling you should be on your way to victory.

Late-game and finishing items. By this point you should have a shiva,by the time you grab heart the game should be all yours so not finishing the build is OK because you are already so buff. Throughout the game(not just late) you should focus on pushing as much as you can, every-time your ultimate is up you can take another tower or at least damage it significantly.

Pros / Cons

- Amazing pusher
- Great tank
- Lots of movement speed
- Huge nuke power with very little CD
- Cannot be 1vs1'd

- Squishy early game
- Easily ganked and put down early leading to a bad mid-late
- Does not have a stun so chasing enemies is not always easy


When Nuking lanes try using your locust swarm on the ground rather then the enemy heroes as it will sometimes make a miss.

When pushing: watch the mini-map closely, If everyone on the enemy team is gone then you must be very careful, while killing a T1 you shouldn't have a problem but when you are pushing T2 Towers it will be much harder to avoid the gank as you are over-extending the lane.

When tanking: watch your health. DP has very little armor allowing you to easily get beat down early-mid game.

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