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36 Votes

Death Prophet by Dach&Max

December 5, 2012 by DachEtMax
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NinjaMovesPro (7) | October 21, 2012 1:06am
I prefer Meka than VG.
sieuwave008 | September 1, 2012 7:20am
do we need scepter to uprade for death prophet
Bujeebus (3) | June 23, 2012 4:51pm
DP seems to be a pretty good Assault Cuirass carrier, as she will always be near her opponents+friends. Got if after shiva's+bloodstone and could 1v1 their clinkz, silence so he cant get away. But that was after I was fed, and gg anyways.
kirbyruled (16) | June 13, 2012 9:49am
+Rep/+1, skill build/items are in the right.

If you feel like experimenting a bit on this hero, there are a few other items that can be prove to be quite effective on this hero. Here's a list:

Ghost Scepter: Strong versus Ursa, Lycanthrope, Juggernaut and similar heroes. The relatively gold cost makes this an essential pickup if those types of heroes are doing well. Upgrading to Ethereal Blade isn't recommended unless you've run out of room for other, more efficient items.

Heaven's Halberd: Great anti-carry item that also provides significant EHP versus physical attacks, with +25% Evasion and +20 Strength. The 100 Mana required for the active is also of no real consequence to Death Prophet. Highly recommended as a later game item to deal with troublesome carries.

Eul's Scepter of Divinity: Another item for kiting carries, really. The passive +30 movement speed from this item is delicious when combined with Witchcraft, as you will exceed 400 movement speed with this build even without using Phase Boots. Do note that your ghosts can still attack while you are Cyclone'd, furthering the appeal of this item.

Rod of Atos: An alternative to Vanguard. Although it's 1000g more expensive, it provides the same HP gain (250), +25 INT, and relevant active that instills you with the potential to literally run circles around your foes. Considering the inefficiency of Vanguard on range heroes, I highly recommend giving this one a try.

All of the above items are particularly effective versus pub king heroes such as Ursa, Riki and even Lycanthrope, so give it a try.
Google#239666 | June 13, 2012 4:19am
Very nice guide you have made. 1 idea, it's not huge but can still make a difference, bring up the bloodstone before vanguard as it needs charges to get good. Allowing for you to acquire the charges quicker. I understand that vanguard helps with survival, which helps. if you have a good support with you helping keep them away and pulling creeps, vanguard would be less needed. (at that time) its a very nice guide.
MostersOfMidway | April 27, 2012 5:13pm
Gilmors wrote:

Do you guys upgrade mantle of intelligence to null talisman and then dragon or is dragon worthless?

I assume you meant Dagon. I think its worthless on her. You need health early since you will be targeted when you ult.
Gilmors | April 6, 2012 9:39am
Do you guys upgrade mantle of intelligence to null talisman and then dragon or is dragon worthless?
League of Legends player (1) | March 7, 2012 4:27pm
No, Vanguard doesn't suck on this hero, one of the few ranged heroes, alongside Razor who it doesn't suck on. The reason why you get it on both of those heroes is to make them tankier, as staying alive longer is important.
kratrz | February 27, 2012 12:44pm
not really. bloodstone + vanguard late game makes it very hard to kill her. one of the tankiest mage casters there are.
HamSandwich (34) | January 17, 2012 7:44am
Vanguard sucks **** on this hero.
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