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Death Prophet

November 1, 2012 by Chelto
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Tower Pusher

DotA2 Hero: Death Prophet

Hero Skills

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8 12 13 14

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6 11 16


15 17 18

Death Prophet

November 1, 2012

The Idea.

The idea of this build is for support. I use this build when we have 2 good gankers, such as Drow Ranger, Riki, and Faceless Void are my favorite. Even though a Death Prophet isn't going to be carrying a team, she can win a game. I usually use this build in the middle, but honestly I use it laning as well.


The items I've selected is the route I go, I understand everyone has there opinions. But for this play style this is it. The Boots of Speed and Tango in the beginning help with a couple of things- since her attack speed is slow it helps with denies, but more importantly it helps rot your opponent. I am a very aggressive player so this is going to depend on the player. Once you have enough for Arcane Boots it's time for those, these are going to help for obvious reasons. And they can break down for BloodStone once you have enough, and then you'll want Boots of Travel. Once you have Boots of Travel you'll be the fastest INT hero, plus you can port from lane to lane while pushing those towers. Next I go for Shadow Blade, it's bonuses are awesome especially if you don't have an stealthy on your team. It will help you push good, and die a lot less. Plus you can pop your ult and then go stealth! If the game isn't over by now I go for Shiva's Guard, this is more situation but I usually go for it every time. Just keep in mind this is a tower pushing build.


If when I start I'm not on a team with a mid hero, I go for mid. This actually does help Death Prophet more then people would think. And the reason is lucky number 7! When you are level 7 and everyone else is 5 (or less) you are in my opinion the best pushing hero in game (with my build). At this point it is time to leave mid and go either top or bottom to which ever side your heros are doing the best, and it is time to kill that tower. If you can get over there, and your team is already doing well there is really no reason you shouldn't be able to destroy that first tower. If your in a lane, it is still all about lvl 7.

Mid Game:
During the ganking phase it is important to help your team as much as possible (and it is A LOT easier if your got BloodStone by this point). As Death Prophet you've got a very good Silence and Ult, but not only that your Locus Swarm will have a 4 second cool down (use the **** out of it). You may not get a lot of KB's but that isn't your job, your job is to 1. Stay alive. 2. Silence your enemies so your carries have the upper hand 3. Use your Ult in every team fight.
Note: The one thing that Death Prophet really lacks is an auto-attack, I've thought about making a carry build with her that increases her auto-attacks since her spells are awesome anyways, but I just can't get myself to do it.

Late Game:
At this time you should be working towers, what I like to do is take top or bottom lane and push hard, but make sure my Boots of Travel is off cool down. Once I either down a tower or if I'm alone and I see an enemy I port to the other side, and work that tower. Keep in mind the cool down on the boots is 60 seconds. Which will seem like forever if you misuse it.
At this point in the game if you've followed this guide and you've got all the items, don't be afraid to jump in fights. Usually depending on who it is you can do some tanking to help out your carries, just keep in mind don't die...


As Death Prophet your games are going to vary so much, one game you'll have 20 kills and the next game you'll have 4, yet win them both. She in all honesty isn't that hard of a hero to play, but she is very under utilized and can still be quite powerful. Though after about level 16 she loses a lot, unless you've got some items to keep her alive.

I hope this guide helps you out, just remember it is about helping out your carries and being the tower destroyer... while not feeding the other team.

Let me know what you think. Thank you.

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