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3 Votes

Death On Wheels

October 29, 2013 by hamptonio
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WindsofDeath | May 30, 2014 8:47am
Also I find it better starting with stat boosts so i'd normally buy a circlet and a gauntlet of strength.

Luxury I'd consider a refresher orb or a heart of tarrasque.
WindsofDeath | May 30, 2014 8:21am
I would rather have crypt swarm at level 5 though, albeit it depends when the teamfights start. Also if you are trying to go for a ganker guild, I would go for tranquil boots before euls. This means death prophet is very speedy early game.
hamptonio | November 27, 2013 7:58am
enderarms wrote:

Starting items are odd, maybe some branches?
Also bottle if you are going mid, which is usually the case with DP.
Otherwise good build, although I get bloodstone.

I think the starting items are a matter of taste. I prefer to just get by on tangoes and save the money for items that build into the core. If you really want to ensure some last hits, especially simultaneous ones, Crypt Swarm can be used for that. A bottle mid works of course, although she is so slow early on that I prefer to stay in lane unless my team wards really well.
enderarms (1) | November 22, 2013 1:22am
Starting items are odd, maybe some branches?
Also bottle if you are going mid, which is usually the case with DP.
Otherwise good build, although I get bloodstone.
noggertz (1) | November 5, 2013 4:31am
Good guide. Refreshing. I would try this once I get home! ^^ +1
commandojimbob (1) | October 31, 2013 9:16am
I like this guide, seems very plausible to me and DP is not a hero I have tried yet but actually she looks to be the type I enjoy - next gaming session I shall give her a go and use this guide as the basis !

TheAmazingComicBookGuy (7) | October 31, 2013 8:27am
hamptonio wrote:

Uhh,yeah - boots are in the core items.

meanth upgraded boots
hamptonio | October 31, 2013 7:46am

Maybe add bloodstone to a luxury like if you have loads of money maybe buy it after the core.

Yeah, you could. I never do that though. By the time you can afford it, you don't need it (apart from the decreased respawn time). I think the gold and item slot are better spent on other things.
hamptonio | October 30, 2013 4:37pm

if you go race car build you maybe wanna pick up some boots?

Uhh,yeah - boots are in the core items.
saifthedestroyer (6) | October 30, 2013 11:25am
Maybe add bloodstone to a luxury like if you have loads of money maybe buy it after the core.
TheAmazingComicBookGuy (7) | October 30, 2013 10:43am
if you go race car build you maybe wanna pick up some boots?
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