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57 Votes

Death Is An Honour

April 22, 2015 by MR_1747
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Hunter of Kings | June 14, 2015 11:50am
hey this is just a random question from me but do you think moonshard is good on PA? cause i play a match one time using 2 moonshard and a skull basher and i feel like a crazy troll warlord that can crit so much
Free MMR | May 2, 2015 4:21am
I don't think diffusal blade is that bad of an item.
Purge is quite ok to consider to remove some buff/debuff such as ethereal (ghost staff).
Also can help buff based stun/hex allies
Proxxy | April 30, 2015 7:36pm
Wow, upvoted for the efforts you put into the presentation of your guide. Obviously the content is good as well.
masaaki14 (11) | April 22, 2015 10:15am
A few more points to note.

A farming build with pa is simply a build where you build a farming item and farm up items for a later game as compared to pubstomps. Most pa players like maelstorm now for the attack speed increase and magical damage. Pa players in the past use battlefury, which is good for farming and teamfighting and synergizes with pa's ulti. Lastly, rarely though, sometimes players use hand of midas if they manage to get it early.

And pa's ulti is not random, it's pseudo random. You can increase your chances of critting by hitting a few creeps without critting before jumping on enemies. Useful tip you can add to your guide
masaaki14 (11) | April 22, 2015 10:04am
Butterfly evasion does stack with pa's evasion, but diminishingly. Meaning, pa's evasion gives 50% evasion(got changed a couple of patches ago). A butterfly would add 30% of the 50% leftover from pa's evasion. So pa will have 65% total evasion.

Also, i would put diffusal in situational. Because the active is not just for slowing and chasing, it is also used for the purge. Plus it gives amazing agility for pa. Personally, i don't usually buy diffusal on pa, because there are better items to buy, like you said. BUT, whenever i play pa and there is an enemy warlock or omni, i always buy diffusal because it instantly kills warlock's golems and it can purge off omni's ulti.
MR_1747 (2) | April 16, 2015 2:14am
magicmat wrote:

I think this guide is too old and don't consider the skill changes of the last 20 month. So some new videos about PA don't make it up to date.:)

For example u should use stifling dagger at lvl 4 to iniate in 1vs1 because u can reuse it after 6 seconds. And if u go for the "farming build" with BF, you shouldn't build treants before this. And so on.

First of all, thanks for reading. Yes, the video that I added doesn't necessarily means that the guide is up-to-date but it's just showing more examples of how PA is normally played in competitive level; which helps players that are new to DotA or PA herself gets a better grasp.

By the way, could you elaborate more on the farming build? "And so on" certainly doesn't help me to improve my guide because "And so on" could lead to several different possibilities, which is huge considering the metagame of DotA is subject to change. To be honest, PA don't change that much even in the last 20 months so the build is still viable. But if you have any suggestions, feel free to share it.
magicmat (1) | April 15, 2015 12:44pm
I think this guide is too old and don't consider the skill changes of the last 20 month. So some new videos about PA don't make it up to date.:)

For example u should use stifling dagger at lvl 4 to iniate in 1vs1 because u can reuse it after 6 seconds. And if u go for the "farming build" with BF, you shouldn't build treants before this. And so on.
urmil | February 25, 2015 1:27am
Holy ****! I feel like I will own the pub after reading this guide.
Katsumotosan | December 26, 2014 8:52am
How do you survive with the 4th build with no life steal? I had to add HoTD.
Regner | July 28, 2014 12:34pm
build was nice , but i still differ on maxing out the blink , without at least having one point in ulti ,one of the best ultis even with just one point ,but either way it was a good guide. +1
gerdez | July 3, 2014 1:34pm
Please delete your 4th build so it doesn't get very well known. I have 70+ games with PA and though I love her, my winning rate with her was 25%, something like that. Since using your 4th build, I won 10 matches out of 12. Of course I am referring to pub games, where you can't really relay on someone supporting. Nice guide.
MR_1747 (2) | March 20, 2014 6:10am
Thanks for all the suggestion. Since PA received few changes in the past couple of versions, I will be adjusting some of guide accordingly but for right now I'm kind of busy with real life job. I will try to update the guide as soon as possible.
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