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1 Votes

Death Calls and my Enemies Come!

December 30, 2014 by miishin
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Sgt Steiner | October 7, 2015 7:10pm
Excellent Guide. I love the fact that you are dissing the bloodstone in favor of Eul's. The best part, is that you've gone so intense on everything from creep blocking to putting item combos together. Kudos to ya.

BTW, I've been reading a lot of Dotafire builds, and while I usually go with the build with the most votes, I went to yours because it was the most recent. You've definitely done your homework.

KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | December 31, 2014 7:29am
Speaking of bloodstone.
If you get it and get the charges then you die early and heal the team that hasnt suffered much damage.
You die late and heal whats left of your team or maybe u were the last alive.

This can result in the fact that bloodstone should never be purchased for this bloodpact heal.
Timminatorr (57) | December 31, 2014 7:14am
akhokhay wrote:

3-You forget one important aspect of Bloodstone. Bloodpack which gives 500HP+30HP/Charges to allied in AOE 1675. IT IS HUGE BENEFIT. You can also become tanky. YOU NEED HP. cyclone is only for 4 sec and Shadow blade can be countered easily.

you talk like its an aura, it only happens when you die, which you shouldnt, especially first since you are so tanky and rely on having long drawn out fights.
akhokhay (1) | December 31, 2014 1:16am
Here few comments:
1- DO NOT USE SWARM TO PUSH IN EARLY STAGES. You just ended under enemy tower. It will let enemy hero farm too. You should try to harras hero with auto attack and cast swarm only when you get atleast 2 creeps+hit hero. Push is only useful when you have few creeps and a siege unit then followed by exorcism, so you can take down a tower. There is no point in pushing and fighting under enemy twr.

2- all the runes can be useful since you carry bottle. But in mid game and late game you should leave DD and Invis for carry/initiator.

3-You forget one important aspect of Bloodstone. Bloodpack which gives 500HP+30HP/Charges to allied in AOE 1675. IT IS HUGE BENEFIT. You can also become tanky. YOU NEED HP. cyclone is only for 4 sec and Shadow blade can be countered easily.

4-Necronomicon: Do not forget: They are not just pushers. They can kill well+ RANGED mana burn+ True sight on lvl 3 which is really really useful since they are reliable.
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