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Dead man farming

January 26, 2013 by Metadone
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Dead man farming

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Vampiric Spirit (Innate)

Wraithfire Blast

10 12 13 14

Mortal Strike

2 4 5 7


6 11 16


15 17 18

Dead man farming

January 26, 2013



First of all, I must introduce myself as someone who started DOTA2 only recently without a lot of experience in MOBA so bear with me and please post corrections/improvements as you can see them.

The concept of this build comes from me playing a jungling Lycanthrope, liking it and trying the Skeleton King shortly after. I read some strategies for the SK but they all seemed to push him into a lane where I think the SK has a massive potential jungling. Reason being he is fairly item dependent and needs a lot of money invested and quite a few level before blooming and I thought applying the same build strategy to the SK as to Lycan could work and it did :)


Start with vampiric aura. This along the quelling blade and stout shield will let you solo the easy and mid camp relatively easily. Remember to eat a tango before engaging as the regen bonus stays even during a fight.

In terms of early development, alternate vampiric aura and critical strike preferring the later if you have a choice.

Take your ultimate as soon as possible as it can be used as a full regeneration tool during the jungling phase.

You can ignore Hellfire Blast until you reach the point where you are about to go to the front line. I did put it at level 10 but this can come as early as level 8 or 9 depending how confident you are to go to the front line.

Items & jungling phase

The first item to buy is a courier if no one has already bought one. The reason is very simple: the time it takes you going back to town is some time you don't spend leveling and making money.

Next item in line: Midas' hand. This is a fantastic item in several regards:
- it boosts your attack speed, hence killing speed and regeneration rate
- albeit a long cool down, its effect allows you to kill a creep (target the biggest one you can) generating some cash and giving you 2.5 times the creeps' xp. In a nutshell, target the biggest one and enjoy (added bonus the creep won't be here to hit you).

The morbid mask will seriously boost your already great hp regen and allow you to take any camp you want with no downtime.

Continue with the boots of speed upgraded to power thread to navigate quicker between the camp. At this stage, your team may either be under a lot of pressure or start to apply a lot of pressure on the other team. Whichever it is, moving quick will help you bringing some much needed back up where it's needed.

Finally, end with a Vladimir's Offering and you are ready to stop farming and go have fun.

Show 'em

Now you will start meeting some heroes more regularly, I find the skull basher a great tool to interrupt them and stop them fleeing. This coupled with the 2 sec stun of Hellfire Blast pretty much signs the death warrant of most enemies.

Then invest either in a black skull bar if there are too many debilitating casters in the opposing team. Otherwise, go for the Mask of Madness and Armlet of Mordiggian for even more regenerative and damaging power.

I haven't yet been able to go further than this in a game (at this stage the game usually ends) so couldn't advise what to buy next (although I have my idea) but at this stage you are an force to be reckoned with causing tremendous damages, stunning the opponents and feeding on their life at a furious rate.

Final remarks

Don't be surprised if you face 3 enemies on your own and only meet your ultimate death after killing 2 of them, this has occurred several times. I don't think this is because I'm an great player (actually I'm probably a pretty bad one) but simply due to the outstanding resilience of this build or maybe I simply only faced newbies like me.

A couple of final remarks:
- At the end of the jungling phase (you should be around level 11-12), you can solo Roshan. Grab the Aegis of Reincarnation whenever you can. This will pretty much piss anyone off having to kill you 3 times in a row while you decimate the opponents.

- Be careful of Ursa, this hero can annihilate you despite your best efforts if his cooldowns are off and he has enough mana to use them.

That's pretty much it. Feel free to test the build, modify it, tweak it and please don't hesitate to post your comments and ideas to improve this build.

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