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33 Votes

Dazzle - Full Supporting with Purple Zapps by E1 Mariachi [7.02]

February 11, 2017 by E1Mar1ach1
Comments: 22    |    Views: 270859    |   

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GoodBoy49 | December 4, 2016 4:23am
Hey Bro - this is an amazing guide! Such excellent analysis! Would you be interested in doing some paid work for my Youtube Channel?
kianmir | July 10, 2016 8:47am
Hey Mariachi! I do not want to call myself a professional player, because i have less than 1k mmr (.-.) but i can say dazzle is one of the only heroes i pick without even a second thought if we have 1 solid carry. I find a good dazzle very powerful and indeed "unbeatable" to some extent. axe is considered a counter? hmmm... then why i won a game 42-12 vs him? i find a good dazzle being
able to avoid death and save carry and secure a kill etc. and i can say he's a great support with the proper skill build. i find dazzle one of the most item independant heroes in the game. a lich loves a agh's. witch doctor loves a agh's too. and remember both of these are pos 5s. dazzle needs 0 items. yes. i say 0 because he can completely win the game without any items apart form wards and boots. a item that i'd strongly consider when the game is going 60+ mins and your carry is six-slotted is the new item. Bloodthorn. it might seem very strange... but pay attention that its one of the best late-game items. but the non-infinite slots make this item poor on carries and initiators... what role can buy it then? What role remains? exactly. supports. a Scythe becomes pretty useless when enemies pickup bkb and its short duration means the most popular carries (Spectre and Medusa) will be able to survive the 3.5 seconds. Bloodthorn gives much more damage and its disable isn't bad either. the crit chance and attack speed and damage on it are wasted but.. seriously why not buy it when you CAN?
plaq (3) | July 10, 2016 10:19am
WTF are you talking about? Dazzle's signature is saving ppl with Shallow Grave which is COUNTERED by Axe's Culling Blade.
stopped reading there.
Emperor guy | March 14, 2016 5:58pm
Great guide there! This guide has inspired me to play dazzle even though I never play it before. Thanks
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | April 9, 2016 3:33am
Hey Emperor,

thanks for your feedback.
Glad that you got into Dazzle. He's such a stable pick throughout all patches.
Have a good day, Sir.
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | February 22, 2016 8:37am
Brutal Jones wrote:

Amazing guide. Thumbs up.

Thanks, man. Appreciate it. E1
Brutal Jones | January 29, 2016 8:53am
Amazing guide. Thumbs up.
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | March 31, 2015 9:06am
michimatsch wrote:

While it is true that Orchid Malevolence is not good on Dazzle as there are more important items to get, it is false that Orchid Malevolence only amplifys Magic Damage.
It considers magical, physical and pure damage (after all reductions).

uh a dumb thought: How about Soul Ring in a lane in which your carry and you get harrassed all day long?

Hello again, michimatsch.

You are totally right about Orchid Malevolence as it does amplify damage of any kind as the tooltip says. I guess back then I thought it would only affect magic damage as the damage tick from Orchid Malevolence itself after its duration is declared to be "magic" damage *facepalm* I will immedialty fix this!

The Soul Ring is a viable item, but I usually aim for going Medallion of Courage or Urn of Shadows over it and try to get Arcane Boots as soon as possible. Soul Ring could actually be worth it, if you face a lot of aggression to be able to dish out more Shadow Waves consistently. I will think about adding this one in.

Thanks michimatsch for the very useful feedback!

Have a nice say, Sir. E1

Edit: I acutally swapped Orchid Malevolence to luxury and added Soul Ring to defensive items. Thanks again for your helpful comment.
michimatsch (26) | March 30, 2015 9:06pm
While it is true that Orchid Malevolence is not good on Dazzle as there are more important items to get, it is false that Orchid Malevolence only amplifys Magic Damage.
It considers magical, physical and pure damage (after all reductions).

uh a dumb thought: How about Soul Ring in a lane in which your carry and you get harrassed all day long?
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | March 29, 2015 1:56pm

Hello there E1, I finally registered on DotaFire, because this guide just has to have more upvotes.
I never was a fan of Dazzle, until recently I decided to play, when 2 people commended me for being "Best Support", saving almost everyone and going for that kills, that would otherwise be lost, and generally winning every teamfight. Best Support In-game.
Speaking about Axe, if you are quick enough, you can use combination of Shallow Grave and heals, such as Shadow Wave and Mekansm, before Axe can even react.
As for Medallion of Courage, I will most definitely try to pick that up next game, since you mention it almost every sentence. I was picking up a Ring of Basilius because I can get it before I run out of my Clarity, which worked out fine, till i could get my Arcane Boots.
Its quite exciting playing him, as every teamfight I had to spam my skills, along with many supportive items I had.

Enough of me rambling, I'm hoping that this guide will make its way higher as it deserves.
Sincerely yours,

Hello, Autistic Squid.

Thanks a lot for upvoting my guide and registering to the community! And thank you for the kind words over all! Very rewerding comment, mate.

Dazzle is a great support and a big game changer, if used to his full potential. I'm glad we got another one on TEAM Dazzle :D Like you say, you are always busy as Dazzle and for that carries love you back!

As you said, trying to prevent Culling Blade with heal bursts is an option, but it is more like minimizing the amount of being countered since Axe still remains a mean counter to Dazzle.

Try getting the Medallion of Courage in your games. It pretty much provides everyhing Ring of Basilius does with armor and mana regen. The big plus is boosting your Shadow Wave damage and all the phyical dps from your carries while stacking with Weave. Also you can use it to strengthen an ally who is front line fighting or pushing towers to make him a harder target to burst down physicalls (Hi, Phantom Assassin). It's my go to item almost everygame my team does rely on physical damage.

Thanks for the wishes and have a nice day, Sir!

The Autistic Squid | January 21, 2015 4:28pm
Hello there E1, I finally registered on DotaFire, because this guide just has to have more upvotes.
I never was a fan of Dazzle, until recently I decided to play, when 2 people commended me for being "Best Support", saving almost everyone and going for that kills, that would otherwise be lost, and generally winning every teamfight. Best Support In-game.
Speaking about Axe, if you are quick enough, you can use combination of Shallow Grave and heals, such as Shadow Wave and Mekansm, before Axe can even react.
As for Medallion of Courage, I will most definitely try to pick that up next game, since you mention it almost every sentence. I was picking up a Ring of Basilius because I can get it before I run out of my Clarity, which worked out fine, till i could get my Arcane Boots.
Its quite exciting playing him, as every teamfight I had to spam my skills, along with many supportive items I had.

Enough of me rambling, I'm hoping that this guide will make its way higher as it deserves.
Sincerely yours,
tracc (3) | December 18, 2014 1:42am
E1Mar1ach1 wrote:

Sange and Yasha and Boots of Travel are kind of "stomp items" for me, that I can / would only get, when I snowballed so hard, the game is won anyway. Same goes for the Desolator. They both work very well on Dazzle, no question about this.

Greets, E1 Mariachi

Very true :) altough I probably have lost some games because of getting them ;)
E1Mar1ach1 (5) | December 17, 2014 9:27am
tracc wrote:

Hi, I like your guide and Dazzle is one of my favorite heroes as well. mostly max Poison Touch first as well (I am mostly playing babysitter) since its lvl4 imho is necessary for offensive and defensive reasons.
i usually build (medallion) Euls Meka (which first is depending on what is neccesary) Boots of Travel Sange and Yasha

after euls and meka I always feel too slow for the way i like to play dazzle (saving people around the world) so by boostung my ms and tankyness (bot and s&y) I am having loads more fun :). I admit that S&Y is something I mostly get when I consider the game won already, but I really like its benefits :)

He tracc,

thanks for liking the guide for the best hero ingame ;). I find Dazzle's skillset very well balanced -- this is the reason he won't receive any balancing changes with the 6.83 Shifting Snows Update. The all possible skill sequences are completey situational, so sticking with Poison Touch to lvl4 or something else has alway to fit the match / lane situation. There are situations where i just want to keep alive and max out Shadow Wave too like I personally prefer.

Sange and Yasha and Boots of Travel are kind of "stomp items" for me, that I can / would only get, when I snowballed so hard, the game is won anyway. Same goes for the Desolator. They both work very well on Dazzle, no question about this.

Greets, E1 Mariachi
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