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11 Votes


December 22, 2011 by intelligentjerk
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Mrs Warboys (10) | January 30, 2012 9:25am
Yeah this doesn't really guide players much. If you don't want to make content that Dotafire will make money from, don't post a guide o_O

No explanation for anything either.

DISCLAIMER: I've written a Dazzle guide. I'm not some ******* who downvotes for no reason though, this is too barebones in my opinion
Leech (25) | December 23, 2011 3:57pm
The item build is a little weird with not much explanation.
Reed (3) | December 23, 2011 3:36pm
I really dislike maxing Poison Touch before Shadow Wave because the break point of Poison Touch (the point at which it activates the full stun) is level 3. I always go to level 3 in Poison Touch , finish Shadow Wave , Shallow Grave , and level 2 of Weave before I finish off Poison Touch. The benefits of putting that extra point in Poison Touch don't seem as valuable as an extra level in Shallow Grave or picking up Weave earlier. Just my two cents.
kumquat (15) | December 23, 2011 8:35am
Yeah, shallow grave at level 1 is definitely situatoinal. I would get it if I was pubbing as Dazzle and my lanemate was potentially ******ed, where as poison sting is a good choice if your roamer is going to gank your lane. I also agree with always getting courier unless someone else already has. Here's some tips for Dazzle that you can add into this guide if you want. You're probably gonna have to clean them up a bit though :P It isn't very fleshed out, but it's better than nothing.

Poison Sting

- Makes harassing much easier. Using it does a bit of damage and allows you to get a couple of last hits in without much difficulty.

- It is also an extremely potent ganking tool if you go around the back, gank them from behind, and block them. You can make it extremely easy for your carry to pick up the kill, especially if you do this with a roamer present.

- It has a mini stun, and can be used to cancel channeling abilities.

Shallow Grave

- Should be used when your teammate is as close to death as possible. If you use it when they are at 3/4 - 1/2 HP, it isn't actually doing anything until they reach 1 hp, and as a result, precious seconds of it's effectiveness are lost.

- Very useful early game for baiting stupid opponents. I was in a lane against Sven/Juggernaut and my teammate was viper. I would go in and let them use their **** on me and simply Shallow Grave+slow+heal and run. Viper cleaned up for double kills 3 times before the laning phase was over and we took their tower.

Shallow Wave

- Useful pushing tool.

- Hard counters an axe trying to intercept your creep waves and push a tower

- Doesn't heal for very much, but has a low cool down. Mana regeneration is very useful for nurturing this cool down.

- Does physical damage, so it has synergy with your Weave.


- Very useful for making a tower push more safe.

- Can force a team to back off a tower if you are trying to defend.

- Gives unobstructed vision, so it is a very potent tool to catch a juker.

- Very low cool down. Can be used liberally.

- Very good for supporting carries and buffing their overall damage.

Also, in certain lineups, it can be a good idea to get Phase boots instead of Power Treads in order to aid you in ganking.
Atlas (117) | December 21, 2011 1:16pm
I will +1, only for the build. You really should add an ability breakdown, a description of Dazzle's role, just something to help players picking up Dazzle.

Also, I always encourage supports to grab courier before all else. Even wards. It can make the difference between losing and winning a lane.

Edit: I also like L1 Shallow Grave, just in case a fight occurs or a teammate does something stupid. But that is just me.
HamSandwich (34) | December 19, 2011 12:30am
I downvote everything.
Leech (25) | December 19, 2011 12:08am
I'm glad it helped, good luck with yours.
intelligentjerk (1) | December 18, 2011 11:47pm

abused as in people downvoting my guides on purpose in order to eliminate contestants.

Oh, well. I used your guide when I started Dazzle so I just gave you an upvote on it.
Leech (25) | December 18, 2011 11:08pm
abused as in people downvoting my guides on purpose in order to eliminate contestants.
intelligentjerk (1) | December 18, 2011 10:55pm
It was my guide, I took it down because it was being abused.

Hmm... Not sure what you mean by "abused". I thought your guide was a good start.
Leech (25) | December 18, 2011 9:01pm
Didn't see a Dazzle guide. I think there used to be one, but I thought I'd make this until a better one comes along.

It was my guide, I took it down because it was being abused.
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