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13 Votes

Dat mid druid... be carryin.

April 24, 2012 by benjaminscott
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damie_catz | November 26, 2015 2:58am
I agree when you said LD is at his best on mid.. I tried playing him mid offline with bot... its true he's like a bos... but when you're playing in pub, You'll end fighting with your teammates. Specially when you are losing the game... ALMOST everyone wants to go mid... No offense just a compliment......
Crowfeather (1) | December 28, 2012 7:01pm
Tp boots and Vlads by 20 mins..

Going into woods midas by 8 mins same level rate as your mid, and by 20 mins vlads boots also.

I never really understood the modern version of Bear builds that included stuff like radi (Oh yey a harass item-To low damage i think to actually push a lane well). However i have seen many a bear go mid and complete destroy the enemy. It allows him to farm very well push the tower even and also pick up a radiance very early on meaning mass farm and more push :L
Personally i believe that Assault Cuirass comes before upgrading ur bashers into Abyssal
Nice guide i guess
mhabez | August 1, 2012 7:58pm
Just to add: Abyssal on the bear is a big waste. Lol. It doesnt have the 150 mana to cast Overwhelm.

Thats all! Other than that, honestly, i think druid is a fine mid. Just that i'd honestly rather give way to a proper mid and only mid with him if there is really no other mid around :S (Yes im talking about pubs)

Good guide anyway! As long as a guide has some points in making people learn the strengths of a hero better (doesn't have to be the whole guide) I think it makes the guide a good one anyway. (:

Numeta (27) | July 17, 2012 6:34pm
These items are pure ***.
TonyJ#237828 | July 17, 2012 2:36pm
Solo side lane syllabear is sometimes better than mid, plus you can get an easy kill if you have someone jungling with a disable like Enigma or Axe.

Also, why rush vlads? The only hero early vlads is somewhat decent on is Ursa for many reasons
jaslam (21) | May 14, 2012 5:12am
Interesting build - you need to expand your item build further to allow people viewing to understand - I am also a syllabear player, however I generally go for range type. Very risky and I am extremely soft, however your DPS is insane and it also makes it difficult for your opponents to disable both the bear and you at the same time - like sven's stun.
As for the mid build - in public - fair enough, but there are other heores much better suited to mid in matches, with you playing neuts it basically allows for your team to have a 1-1-2 lane, allow for faster exp for your whole team.
A jungle build generally means midas as a first item - followed by treads/boots (sylla/bear), orb of venom for bear, followed by either basher for both or mjo for sylla, skadi for sylla, mkb's etc. Deso can also be good - but finances will be an issue. skadi basher mjo on sylla and basher on bear is generally my final build..(range type)
benjaminscott | May 3, 2012 4:37pm
take my words serious? LOL i posted my steam name for proof. And fyi. As stated before meta isnt the best its good but not always the best.

Ok, so the best part about this is you just pulled the "pros do it this way so its right". Just saying. Ignorance is bliss eh?

And ok. I will not disagree at those losses? Why? because of the fact that i did carry my team. And was the main reason the game lasted as long as it did. Were those losses my fault becuase of bad teamwork? no. Were they bad when i tried to help them out by telling them what we need to do and do it? no. Did i gank lanes early in those games because i took mid tower before 10 mins yes. But was me mid the reason we failed? No. Druid is a hard carry. But he can only carry a team so much. Because just like ALL heroes enough cc and its gg. and with no team backing me up in fights. Makes it that much harder to carry. Once again not my fault, and i did not lose those games by going mid. Just saying.

PS. have something constructive to say before saying anything. Im actually having a good debate with atlas on this. So please if your not going to add to the constructiveness of this guide. Dont comment.
iN7.Ganker (17) | May 3, 2012 7:20am
Take a look at the competitive scene. You might figure out that they are suicide laning him in nearly every game for the reasons you just mentioned instead of running him mid. I am arrogant enough to assume that teams which are winning thousands of $$$ and doing the things mentioned before like 8236709367 times by Atlas instead of that what you are saying, are probably right. You may rethink.

I am tired of repeating the cons of solo laneing him mid though. And pls stop this, "I still end up with OVER and i mean usually over twice The enemy's teams gold per min/xp per min. Just sayin.", ****, nobody will take your words serious after you just made yourself sound hilarious.
Atlas (117) | May 2, 2012 8:51pm
Match ID: 13716509 Result: 3 Kills, 10 Deaths. Highest GPM. Loss.

Match ID: 13612938 Result: 3 Kills, 9 Deaths. Highest GPM still. Loss.

Match ID: 13607539 Result: 3 Kills, 11 Deaths. Highest GPM. Loss.

All consecutive LD games.

I really don't mean to be calling you out, and I'm sorry if it's coming off as insulting, but I'm just standing by the fact that your strategy is not as good as you think it is, and it's really hurting your team more than helping it.
benjaminscott | May 2, 2012 6:59pm
steam name "you am no real super sand" Look at my dota profile yourself. oh and not to mention... while i might not have many if even any kills. I still end up with OVER and i mean usually over twice The enemy's teams gold per min/xp per min. Just sayin.
Atlas (117) | May 2, 2012 5:29am
I could tell you I've played 80 games as Chen mid lane and I've carried 79 of them. What can you do to disprove that? All you have is my word.

All that I have is your word, nothing more. Why should I believe you are the best LD player in the world?
benjaminscott | May 1, 2012 7:07pm
Ok. lets say it this way. The fact that ive play 80 games "wrong" but have carried 75 of them. Good troll. Apperently i can't carry a team when i played him "wrong" even though i can completely shut down any hero mid. Yet again. playing him wrong. Prevent the enemy from farming at all. Again... playing him wrong. Good troll bud. Good troll.
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