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To the point yet informing, entertaining without taking you off subject. It's just really, really good.
Thanks to this guide Lycan has become one of my favorite heroes (Even got an eyepatch for him :D).
I just wanted to thank you. Thanks Cipio! :)
+ 1
Sorry if that sounds too negative!
But if you are not fed not a good game
First of all I am not pro... but I play Lycan based on this guide and it could work.
You just need to be quick and careful and a little bit lucky... but mostly really careful!
So how I jungling so far:
00:45: Summon wolves and lead them to the runes to destroy it / help teammate to pick it up.
00:03: Summon wolves again and wait for the mana. Asa it replenished rush to the small camp. Now you need a little luck about what small camp spawns :) If it is 'Forest Troll Camp', 'Forest Troll and Kobold Camp' or 'Gnoll Assassin Camp' then you are good! If you could start fight w/ them around 00:31-00:33 you can finish them before respawn time. Then go out from vision resummon wolves and kill them again. By the way the killing: When your first wolf drop below half of its health micro it out of combat and then back (if there is a ranged creep you need to run a little more far away). Then select the other wolf too and run away with both so the creeps gonna attack you. You need to tank because your wolves are weak but you need their damage as well. You'll be on low health mostly at the beginning so you need to be sure where is the enemy... they'll look for you.... they'll find you... and they'll kill you!
If you were not lucky and you got 'Kobold Camp', 'Ghost Camp' or 'Harpy Camp' well it's **** but not the end of the world... you need to be very careful with your wolves... and don't be greedy. You can't finish them before the respawn time so don't rush and summon another pack. Kill them and then explore the medium camps and look for 'Ogre Camp', 'Golem Camp' and 'Satyr Camp'. Summon your wolves and kill one (or two little from satyr) creep. Use one of your mana to be ready for the next respawn at 2:00 and do it in circle. Sometimes it is worth to go back to your base (like no mana no health and got 20-30 seconds to wait)
Asap buy the Sage's Mask then Morbid Mask > Ring of Regen > Vlad
Your jungling'll be faster as soon as you get morbid mask... dont stress about level at the beginning. Usually I got Vlad and PT around 14-15 minutes (lvl 9.5) buy a smoke get full mana and health and kill roshan at 16:00->16:30. After it I am lvl 11 (same as mid or even higher) and got ~1000 gold... dont listen to your teammates who think cos you got an aegis early on you just win the game... go back to jungle to get skull basher as soon as you can... but from now you need to help to def mid or bot(radiant)/top(dire) towers.
Huh... a little bit long... I hope you can understand what I wanted to write... sorry if I write poorly... I can lost in wall of texts :)
So thats how it works for me... I hope I could help you... because the wolf is at your door!