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2 stouts? They don't stack, do they?
Great guide. I got thrown into my first Dark Seer game while in Captain's mode because my friend chose the wrong champion so I basically pulled up this guide as fast as possible and followed it. Long story short, went 7/2/20. Gracias, Schwindy.
Glad it went well - 20+ assists is always the aim with support heroes, with very few deaths means you must have some nice core items ;)
Make sure you use the smoke trick with neutral stacks. Stack the level 5 camp (hardest camp). Once it is triple / quad stacked just pop a smoke and ion shell it down. Neutrals will not see you with smoke. They will just idle like noobs :)
I would say make Aghanims a core buy after pipe as it is an insane buff to his ultimate, and wins games by itself.
Ah - excellent - I forgot that, always a good item to have in the inventory regardless of your ability to stack.
I also got back to you on your comments on my FV backtrack/walk build..
I would say make Aghanims a core buy after pipe as it is an insane buff to his ultimate, and wins games by itself.