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6 Votes

DANGER - STATIC STORMS; A Carry Guide to Disruptor

December 19, 2014 by OrderAmyr
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RedNinja | December 22, 2014 9:03am
OrderAmyr wrote:

With the whole Aghanim's Scepter thing, I just don't find it possible to keep the enemy team in the radius for 7 seconds, and so I don't find it very useful (apart from the BKB silence).
Unless you've got something like a Magnus ult or maybe even Medusa, the item doesn't seem that useful.
This guide was probably a bad idea TBH :P
I should probably delete it considering all the hate its getting :D
*cough cough KoDyAbAbA cough cough*

Don't delete it lol - IMO, a carry build is just not a good idea, so perhaps turn it into something else. Don't suggest items like deso or mbk and change them for things such as shadowblade and dagon, which are trolling items for disruptor but much more viable for him (he is not a right clicker and will never be).

Also rename it for something to suggest is a trolling disruptor guide, which can be great and entertaining
RedNinja | December 22, 2014 7:43am
My 2 cents:

A disruptor carry build is not even funny.... if you are by yourself you can easily get killed by any regular carry and even semi in 2 seconds. Sven catches you off-guard with a stun? Two hits and ur dead. Drow catches you? Silence, a few hits and that's the end of it. Same for ricky, bh, anyone with orchid, etc... you can't basically go 1-1 with most of them... you just can't.

Disruptor is a team oriented hero, always sitting in the back waiting and waiting to throw is combos and have the real carries clean up. That's where he excels and is most rewarding. He is also a great roaming ganker, setting up kills for the carries.

Getting a deso or MKB on him is another level of trolling lol . The standard eul, veil, blink or force staff (or both, even better) is just all he needs to do his job effectively. This is from someone who has played him 600+ times -

If you want to troll get shadow blade - that's the only trolling-approved item for Disruptor that might work if the other team is full of N00bs

Romark14 (7) | December 22, 2014 3:44am
OrderAmyr wrote:

To Metabee,
Have you ever actually used a refresher orb on Disruptor? To be honest I never really found a use for it, as the 70 second cooldown is very short, unlike the respawn times at the point where you have enough farm for a refresher. Using it twice isn't that effective, as it is a waste of the silence, and the damage isn't that good anyway. Sythe seems like a good idea though - i'll try it out.

If i am in a game with a good Faceless Void and i am getting farm? I'm going for a refresher. He can land a good 5/4 man Chronosphere and then when that ends i can hold everyone who survives silenced for enough time for the everyone to finish them off. It is legit, theorycrafting, but i have never had those 2 things align! #No54lyf

Aghs, Force Staff + big earlygame support item (veil/Mek/Pipe depending on team needs) that's all you want. If you are getting farm, your taking it from someone who needs it. Troll build or not, someone else can use it much better.
Fedorable (23) | December 21, 2014 6:26pm
OrderAmyr wrote:

With the whole Aghanim's Scepter thing,radius for 7 seconds, and so I don't find it very useful (apart from the BKB silence).

What do you think Kinetic Field is for? It is tailor made to be used in conjunction with Static Storm, the Scepter upgrade mutes all items, so you can't bypass Kinetic Field with Blink Dagger. Before the team fight begins, lay down your Static Storm and put Kinetic Field right on top of it and voila! You got yourself a big 'ol aoe team fight pseudo disable! And if someones manages to slip out, just use Glimpse. If you don't believe me, then please, do try it out for yourself!

Another thing, Kinetic Field isn't limited to just helping you land Static Storm, it has great synergy with other positioning-dependent spells like Sun Strike, Call Down, Mystic Flare and even Chain Frost!
OrderAmyr | December 19, 2014 2:49pm
To Metabee,
Have you ever actually used a refresher orb on Disruptor? To be honest I never really found a use for it, as the 70 second cooldown is very short, unlike the respawn times at the point where you have enough farm for a refresher. Using it twice isn't that effective, as it is a waste of the silence, and the damage isn't that good anyway. Sythe seems like a good idea though - i'll try it out.
Fedorable (23) | December 19, 2014 12:31pm
Not a bad idea to make a guide, you need to test in the field more. Aside from bkb silencing, the combination of Static Storm with Kinetic Field gives Disruptor a solid initiation, as well as a superb follow up to another initiator like Tidehunter with Ravage or Enigma with Black Hole. Because you basically create a lose/lose scenario for the enemy team; they can't fight back without their spells or items to supplement them and they also can't run away due to Kinetic Field nor can they use things Blink to bypass Kinetic Field because of the silence from Static Storm.

Disruptor is just one of the those heroes who lives for team fights. Not to mention his synergy with global heroes like Spectre thanks to the vision from Thunder Strike.
Metabee (2) | December 19, 2014 12:24pm
Seriously, the gold investment is not worth it. You'd be better off with Refresher Orb, Scythe of Vyse or even good ol' Dagon and Ethereal Blade.

Even then, you are not getting that much gold in a game unless it's easy bots.
OrderAmyr | December 19, 2014 10:49am
With the whole Aghanim's Scepter thing, I just don't find it possible to keep the enemy team in the radius for 7 seconds, and so I don't find it very useful (apart from the BKB silence).
Unless you've got something like a Magnus ult or maybe even Medusa, the item doesn't seem that useful.
This guide was probably a bad idea TBH :P
I should probably delete it considering all the hate its getting :D
*cough cough KoDyAbAbA cough cough*
Sando (118) | December 19, 2014 10:19am
Tbh, you'd be better off with an Aghanim's Scepter and a Veil of Discord for that kind of money - almost double damage (never mind being able to stop item use like BKB) from your ult from the longer duration, plus 25% magic damage for your whole team - think this would equate to more damage than the items you've suggested, never mind the other benefits. (roughly max 1900 damage per hero per ult, rather than 800)

The thing with carries is that it's not all about raw damage - Disruptor has very poor agility gain (1.4) which limits his attack speed and armour. You're very raw for stats/hp/mana on this build anyway, so you're pretty easy to pick off if the opposition do figure out you're doing a fair bit more right click damage than a regular support.
OrderAmyr | December 19, 2014 9:58am
Please, I'm not saying you play it like a normal carry. You still carry out the role of an initiator, the only difference is that you buy items that make you more than just a skillset. Instead of a pipe or a mek you get damage items. Simple.
Many of the heroes you mentioned get played as semi-carries anyway, its just they have crowd control spells too (like disruptor).

Anyway, + 30% damage is a pretty big nerf from + 200%
KoDyAbAbA (65) | December 19, 2014 9:30am
that makes minimal sense.If you look at it like that, Dazzle is an amazing carry.Great last hit damage.Amazing in-lane harass coupled up with a heal/farming skill. Invulnerable for a set time.Capacity to reduce enemy armor to -40 and self armor to +40.

Even centaur warruner is an amazing carry.highest str gain in the game.Insane harass.Great snowball potential.Whare's the problem?

Why even Omniknight is the best carry then.Total invulnerability and pure damage nuke.

Vengeful Spirit.****ing percentage damage.Tell me how is that not good.Its basically a nerfed Svenultimate,only that it is a passive and can be maxed at level 7.

Holy molly look at Windranger.600 attack speed,physical damage invulnerability, 4 second stun .Whats not to like?

Silencer ****ing hell.Infinite intelligence.Wheres the problem?
OrderAmyr | December 19, 2014 9:16am
I agree that a full-on hard carry would benefit from the gold more, but I just think that the standard Disruptor build just doesn't use his full potential. You're still helping the team out, using your spells in teamfights and stopping enemies getting away, its just that you can do more than cast your spells and wait for your combo to cooldown again.
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