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6 Votes

Cuttleboss' Guide to Eating Out Worlds [6.88]

July 14, 2016 by Cuttleboss
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kianmir | July 31, 2016 10:51am
Holy ****. ChiChi,The Frosto,Hamstertamer and Cuttleboss are all in 1 place. i quit. ;-;. just leaving a 1+ :D R.I.P me.
ChiChi (47) | July 16, 2016 3:52am
Nice guide, as always. I don't really play OD, as you know, so unfortunetelly I can't contribute to the discussion as your guide deserves. So I just leave my +1 and GASP me and the sonny are being thanked wow ^^
The Frosto (14) | July 16, 2016 2:48am
I think that getting Scythe of Vyse is almost always better than getting Octarine Core in almost any circumstance. Especially now the octarine doesn't give any hp regen anymore. For me the hex active seems way more usefull than the extra hp and mana you get from octarine. The spell lifesteal is probably really strong for od but even than disables seems for me to be the better choice.

Also orchid seems for od pretty sloppy. I again think that getting a hex is more beneficial than the orchid. Orchid os probably more damage but od has enough damage and needs to be able to hit someone. If you get rod of atos with orchid you get 2 itemslots which could be one, Scythe of Vyse. I personally think that Rod of Atos with Scythe of Vyse is better than rod with orchid.

But now after reading this guide I will probably start playing od again :)
Hamstertamer (89) | July 15, 2016 3:32am
Arcane Boots is actually a pretty good idea after the nerf I agree. He really needs raw mana and no other item even comes close to arcanes for that.
No 1/4/4 build though? Still maxing orb after the nerf? Max level astral has 600 cast range, which is 150 more than your right click, so isn't maxing W the way to go now?
Cuttleboss (28) | July 15, 2016 9:28am
With the buffing of the duration of Arcane Orb, it still a viable way to play him, since you get to bully out anyone who comes to your lane with a few right clicks and you can just keep passively farming now that you have like 25 more damage. Of course, that is a much more passive OD. For a more active OD, especially since 6.88b buffed the damage of imprisonment to 1 shot ranged creeps, the imprisonment max might be better actually. I will have to test it in a few games, using Arcane Orb as the "cast this so you can maintain your mana". Once I get the results (might take a while, its hard to get good OD games), I'll give you a better answer.
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