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17 Votes

Cuttleboss' Guide to Draft Greediness [6.86]

April 18, 2016 by Cuttleboss
Comments: 16    |    Views: 35554    |   

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Rathalos | April 1, 2016 3:51am
Well. With some experience comes almost intuitive understanding of greed level. But for those ppl, who are new, or just can't find out what's wrong with their play, this guide will serve as wise advise source.
Ermac | March 24, 2016 12:22pm
I cannot find Beastmaster both as a offlane and mid hero. I think he deserves his place here.
Schmiloff (1) | March 20, 2016 8:21pm
This was a great read! I think the relevance to character drafting should be trained when people first join the game, too many times have I seen a carry Kotl ruining the game for everyone.
zlblack77 | March 4, 2016 1:38am
pls update.Cant wait too read good guide more!
OVOXO9 | December 9, 2015 11:26am
Nice work!
EternalFire (1) | December 8, 2015 9:49pm
Pretty nice guide, I do understand the meaning

Keep on doing your research, may I say, could you bring in some detailed information about the matches and comparison between each hero, because I do think most picked heroes is more likely considerable.

And one more thing, do this number is applied on Captain Mode and competitive match-up or we can use it to a normal All Pick matches? Thanks, waiting your reply +1
michimatsch (26) | November 21, 2015 5:02am
This is what I usually do and it has brought me from 2.2k to 2.9 k I know it still is just an okay mmr but trying to keep the greed level low when others are way too high is usually pretty good.
Fredzie (1) | November 19, 2015 4:11pm
Those ranking are pretty good in my opinion but whenever drafting everyone just picks whatever the hell they want. Would that normally mean that a good player would just pick tier 1 or 2 last pick to compensatesate for the greedy team built
Cuttleboss (28) | November 19, 2015 12:18am
Alright, I've taken your comments into account for my update. Bane and AA got moved to 1 Point while WD got moved to 2. And a few of the heroes who have very varing item builds that are not agreed upon appear in multiple tiers based on how they itemize.
ChiChi (47) | November 18, 2015 2:25am
I really liked this guide too, continue on expanding it please!

I do have some doubts too regarding the hero list you picked for 1 and 2 tier supports (specially how you consider CM needs more farm than WD), but that will always be kinda dependent on a lot of factors including personal opinion I think. +1!
Sanvitch (18) | November 17, 2015 5:28pm
I would argue with some of your choices for what lies in which tier (Whilst they are subjective, you can still make pretty objective arguments about a lot of heroes). But I'll only list em if you actually want them, if you are happy with your list leave it as it is.

I think you could probably add a section or two explaining about how being greedy impacts a draft and a game. Like, you kinda talk about it in terms of how the heroes time will be spent, but you could add a more general thing.

Especially as greediness in drafts is basically just a relative thing. Or at least, the importance of it is.
Sando (118) | November 17, 2015 3:59pm
I really wish this could be forcibly tattoo'd on some players faces. There's not much worse than seeing a item dependent jungler on your team against aggressive roamers...except maybe see them building a Hand of Midas.

I think that's one area you could maybe expand on - how/when to adapt builds to suit when your team has picked too greedy. (e.g. Jungle Wraith King becomes a support, heroes should avoid afk farming items when much greedier than their opponents, less farm dependent heroes moving to midgame builds - e.g. Drum of Endurance, etc)

I also don't like when people call for tiny ranking adjustments when everyone has different opinions...but can't help wanting Witch Doctor to be more farm dependent...personally I think it's necessary for him to work properly ( Glimmer Cape is pretty much core, he's quite mana heavy, and Aghs is really really good...although admittedly he can get by with less).

GJ, +1.
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