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Huge in size, quality of content and eye damage (lol), but I like it a lot. It helps new players and old ones alike.
I love the navigation changes, just missing the ones for the first sections, since those are the ones you will be going back the most to check who is actually within each category you created.
Alright, I've taken all your comments down as notes. I've added an anchor based navigation system (some of those names were pretty fun to make), and a few minor changes, but it should be easier to use now.
Great guide. I'm still reading through it and I'm sure I'll be looking back at it a lot.
Though I'm not sure if they're technically considered mana "burning" you could probably add Pugna, Clockwork, Medusa, Outworld Devourer, Bane, and Lion to that section as each have mana draining abilities. Also Satyr Mindstealer's Mana Burn via Doom, Chen, Enchantress, or Helm of the Dominator.
Lack of Nyx Assassin and emphasis on Anti-Mage in part about countering Medusa made me shake my head. Anti-Mage is half-decent counter to her at best because she carries harder and destroys his illusion with her ultimate. I am not saying he does not match up well against her, but it's mostly to quicker start in the farm a only partially due to mana burn. If you want to kill her lategame, Nyx Assassin is the right man (bug?) to do the job.
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I love the navigation changes, just missing the ones for the first sections, since those are the ones you will be going back the most to check who is actually within each category you created.
In any case this deserves a +1
Though I'm not sure if they're technically considered mana "burning" you could probably add Pugna, Clockwork, Medusa, Outworld Devourer, Bane, and Lion to that section as each have mana draining abilities. Also Satyr Mindstealer's Mana Burn via Doom, Chen, Enchantress, or Helm of the Dominator.
Lack of
Great guide, +1
Still a great job.