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17 Votes

Cuttleboss’ Guide to Being the Pope (of Pestilence) [6.86]

January 20, 2016 by Cuttleboss
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Cuttleboss (28) | December 25, 2015 10:08am
Hey michi, for the supporting Necro section, I tried all the items early, like an early Urn or Basi, but you need the Force Staff. Necro scales entirely on how long he survives, whether as core or support, and 600 range on Reaper's Scythe means he has to get kind of close to finish people off. Force Staff is the cheapest way to not get killed if you're playing a lower position Necro to the point that it outclasses other items on him in low farm, but the items after the Force Staff is not really important. In high farm, where you're near the front lines, you can get more scythes off because you can tank the damage, you generally don't need the staff as much.

And I think I got all the support items in there, Urn, Force, Euls, Ghost, Atos?, Veil, Lens, Medallion/Crest. The only thing I don't really have in there is casual Basi ring or Drums, which to me, neither of which suit Necro.
michimatsch (26) | December 25, 2015 6:20am
I like the fact that you added a 4th position support section but maybe some more items wouldn't hurt concerning the support part but on the other hand a person who reads the guide will learn what to build so that is no real issue
Cuttleboss (28) | December 23, 2015 11:28pm
This guide has received a large update, since it was my most out of date guide. There is now a bigger distinction between core and support Necrophos, Aether Lens was added, a lot of sections were rewritten, snowballing with him has been emphasized, and also, I'm gonna source all the art I've been using in my guides as I update them, as the artists deserve credit.
Sp3ctr3 (4) | November 27, 2015 7:51pm
+1 to your guide, it's absolutly awesome!

My favorite build (when not playing support) includes, Octarine Core, Shiva's Guard, Guardian Greaves, Rod of Atos, Force Staff and Aghanim's Scepter. Shiva's and Guardian Greaves being my two favorite items in Necrolyte. I really wish to see more games with Necrolyte in the pro scene.
Cuttleboss (28) | May 4, 2015 3:58am
Bloodstone is not the best item in many situations, I removed Mek as a core item because Necro is really flexible with items.

But for Tanking, Bloodstone is really good if you're ahead, like all hp items, and especially the stone because of its charge system giving you some room for error and possibly generating a huge difference in respawn times. If your opponents cannot kill you, you can spam pulse and scythe whoever pisses you off the most. If you want to tank, but are playing from behind, obviously its not a good idea to Bloodstone, that's when items like Lotus Orb, Aghs, and Blade Mail shine. I do suggest it, but that doesn't mean its set, and I trust reader's judgment enough to not buy a Bloodstone when its simply not practical to do so. Many situations call for items like Octarine Core, Pipe, or even Scythe of Vyse.

Skadi is a very late game situational pick up, but useful for kiting melee BKB wielding jerks like Tiny, Sven, even Troll to an extent. Sure, Moon Shard can be picked up if you're rolling in the dough, but it has no real business occupying a slot before you're 6-slotted.
KEEP CALM AND FEED (15) | May 4, 2015 3:15am
If you get skadi, i suggest you to eat zat moonshard in late game.
Cuttleboss (28) | May 3, 2015 9:42pm
This guide got a huge update for 6.84. Pretty much everything has been updated and a lot of previous items that were rejected are no longer the case.
Cuttleboss (28) | April 2, 2015 5:34am
To respond to these, I've updated the guide, writing reasons why I don't dig Dagon on the Necro, since i know its kind of popular.

Also, Oracle joins heroes and foes. Pugna and Sniper, the biggest dotabuff counters to Necro, also get mentions.
YellulzQuiet (8) | January 18, 2015 7:56am
well done guide but i thing its kind outdated, this should work on 6.79 or something
necro is now on moar a snowball carry not an aura carrier
blink ----> Aghamihn is a must (with a few situationals)
Pocciox (2) | January 16, 2015 7:19am
Why not dagon? it boosts your ulti a lot. I saw it in high level tournaments and it works wonder for a sure kill on a carry without buyback. The build was Dagon, Refresher and agh's
Cuttleboss (28) | August 19, 2014 2:58pm
Hey thanks. I'm glad you liked the guide.
tcadd (1) | August 19, 2014 2:04pm
Definitely like this guide, very informative, lots of reasoning for choices - And looks extremely effective based on my knowledge of Necrophos - I'll be playing a round or more with him this way tonight!

Thanks, he is one of my favourites and it is fun to see how others envision him.
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