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1 Votes

Cutting Every Thing with TimberSaw (updated for 6.85)

October 2, 2015 by Noba_37
Comments: 6    |    Views: 51113    |   

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Noba_37 | September 12, 2015 7:01pm
Mario i made it for any lane and i say if i prefer play at mid and i prefer play with whirling Death(it`s possible i don`t know how play using Timber Chain) but its your choice
mariokirby46 | September 9, 2015 10:23am
well, i feel that a lot more content can be added to this guide. Which lane should we go with this build? And i think that Timber Chain is a better skill to max as it allows for good escape. Whirling Death does about the same damage as Timber Chain but as magical damage, which is reduced by base magic resistance. It only does pure damage when it cuts a tree.
apaz (17) | September 4, 2015 11:21pm
The item builds are good. The skill build is questionable, but I personally don't really think it matters too much, what matters more is factors such as having better gamesense and knowing how to farm up the Bloodstone. I mean, at level 14, your ability build will be just the same as someone who took a different path. That doesn't mean, of course, that you won't be useless until that point, but you know what I mean.

Actually not a bad guide, nice effort. I've seen far worse.
ChiChi (47) | September 4, 2015 9:57am
Hi Noba! I answered you in private message as well, but in case you don't see it I answer you here as well.

Where are you from? Maybe I can also help in other language, just maybe :)

Your guide is getting better, well done!

Some suggestions:
  • Don't forget to hit the "Publish" button after you end up, because otherwise only you will see the changes made;
  • On your chapter "Skills", explain what which one does, that will help people understand the hero;
  • Do the following chapters, even if with just some lines: Explanation on your item build, explanation on what heroes are good and bad in your opinion in regard to playng with or against Timber;

To help you format your guide, see the two following guides:
Also see other guides that are published here in Dota Fire, either for Timbersaw or others, they may inspire you.

Noba_37 | September 3, 2015 4:13pm
ChiChi Thanks to you say i m welcome to Dota Fire i m realy exiting to help another players and i m working to get 5.000 characters to be a complete guide
ChiChi (47) | September 3, 2015 3:36pm
Dear Noba_37,

Welcome to Dota Fire. As you may have noticed when you were making this guide, we don't consider guides that have less than 5.000 characters to be complete, therefore they do not appear in the front page nor do they get votes (even if they are slightly funny). If you want to improve it, namely by writing something on the respective sections, don't hesitate to PM me with any question you might have.

Good luck!
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