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Crystal Maiden: Show Lina who's the Real Slayer

September 13, 2016 by The Jade Dagger
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The semi-support carry

DotA2 Hero: Crystal Maiden

Hero Skills

Blueheart Floe (Innate)

Crystal Nova

1 5 9 12


3 8 13 14

Arcane Aura

2 4 7 10

Freezing Field

6 11 16


15 17 18

Crystal Maiden: Show Lina who's the Real Slayer

The Jade Dagger
September 13, 2016


CM is a really great semi-carry. The first time I used her, I got a lot of experience and somehow accidentally ended up playing her as a semi-carry. Got 18 kills, 4 deaths and 20 assists. I almost got a rampage but there was a Razor on my team so yeah that was where my assists came from :/
Rylai does really well with Aghanim Scepter, so I recommend buying it as soon as possible. I got most of my kills with ult freezing field, but the other portion was because I bought items that increased damage. She has a really low damage output at first (I think it was 38) but get items and you're going to be boss!
I vanquished Lina a couple of times with this build, so thats where the title came from.

Pros / Cons

-Really fun after level 6
-Awesome passive
-Frostbite and run a way
-Great nuking
-Ult does MASSIVE damage

-Really item-dependent early game
-Bad 1v1


Crystal Nova
I usually use this as my primary nuke. If an enemy is on low health, I automatically cast it and BING there's a kill. Do not spam the attack though. Even with low cooldown and 100 mana cost, do not spam. It just doesn't work like that since you could be using it to clear off a large area.

Two ways to use this attack. Firstly it is very useful in ganking. If you need to run away, Frostbite your attacker and run for your life! Runaway tactic works well on melee heroes. If you got a TP scroll or BoT then gogogogo.

Arcane Aura
Upgrade this regularly to fill in the role as semi-support. If you're going to say BUT YOU SAID THAT THIS WAS FOR CARRY, it still benefits you. Once you have maxed it out and you have okay mana regen you can spam Crystal Nova in areas more often.

Freezing Field
This is what makes CM a killer-machine or carry. When a dramatic scene occurs on the map, go there and turn on Freezing Field (if not on cooldown) and you are likely to get something close to a rampage. When maxed out, costs 600 mana or maybe 680. This is not a problem since you should have a lot of mana in your pool.

Creeping / Jungling

She starts off as a poor jungler. It is next to impossible to get last hits on creeps since the low damage output. This changes during the game. Once you're about level 4 or 5, you should be ready to head for the jungle. Only go if your damage output is upgraded. If yes, you will easily get a lot of gold and you can purchase your Aghanim Scepter. YAY!

Counters and Matchups

You don't want to face off in a 1v1 with high strength heroes with high damage. For example, don't go into a showdown with Axe. He will most likely have higher damage than you and his Counter Helix will make you die. Gank him with a buddy and then yes, you'd probably finish him off.
CM is just not that good against strength heroes. BKB is also a pain against CM. It makes her rely on her base damage to secure a kill, which is not the best ordeal.
Rylai is good at disrupting blinks and teleports. She can vanquish anyone with a Agh+Max Freezing Field.
Juggernaut is probably your best buddy. If he has a maxed out Blade fury and you have a decent Frostbite, you can perform a literal kill combo. Freeze the enemy and let Jug Blade Fury him/her. Help attack the enemy.
Now, to deal with
Your sister can be a pain with her ultimate as CM has less HP. Increase your armor and buy a BKB so either way, if Lina has a scepter or not, you can counter her ultimate. When I faced off against Lina, I just spam my attacks. Use Freezing Field first and burst her down after. Show her who the True Slayer is!


Aghanim's scepter is great on CM. It increases her mana pool, health and it makes Freezing Field one of the most dangerous Ultimates ingame.
Blink Dagger can be used to blink in and Freezing Field.
Tango quickly replenishes CM's paper health.
Mithril Hammer is for damage output.
Clarity is to help cast spells more often.


I know that I have probably shared a super weird build. I know that most of you guys play her as a support, but I enjoyed playing as a semi-support semi-carry and hopefully you will too. If you haven't got a rampage yet, possibly start here.

Another really stupid thing I tried was to only buy TP scrolls, 1 clarity 1 tango and 1 healing salve at the start before I got my scepter. Then I just keep saving for my scepter and get it fairly quickly.

Thank you for reading my weird build on CM.

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