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Crystal Maiden - Mobility Crystal Maiden for Fun

May 28, 2015 by Bleak
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ChiChi (47) | June 2, 2015 10:39am
Of course you're right, it's just a matter of style. I usually prefer points in her skills rather than stats, 'cause I center my survivibility around certain items and positioning, and I love to get kills with a good Freezing Field (for the slow she has the amazing Crystal Nova 50% now, so I use the ulti as her main source of damage). But I've seen many people do your build, it's viable, no doubt. And more games with the hero doesn't really give me much more than personal experience :)

Thanks for your answer. I will try the S&Y in some won game I come by. Cheers
Bleak | June 1, 2015 6:30pm
Thanks ChiChi.

Really I suppose the points in Freezing Field and some other details depends on your individual playstyle. I play predominantly as a setup and positioning hero and tend to prioritize survivability and utility over damage. Also the primary utility of your ulti is the slow, and the slow doesn't scale. If you were going a more traditional CM build, and especially if you're going Aghs / BKB then I'd say the 3 points are required. Otherwise though, I think the additional stats are more worthwhile. More survivability means more time that you're alive during which you can slow the enemy team and setup kills for your carrys. That's just my opinion though. It looks like you have put in way more games with CM than me :)
ChiChi (47) | June 1, 2015 10:56am
As a fan of the "true" Crystal Maiden, I liked your guide: you deliver what you promised, that is, a fast CM lol

I specially like the S&Y actually, because that's what is really original about this build (the other items are usually bought by most people).

The only thing I dislike is your one skill point only in Freezing Field. If you want a fast CM, and you yourself talk about the slowing items as "making the others slow is sorta like going fast", I don't get why you want to be so quick, if not to profit from the possibility of quickly getting near someone and slow them to death with your ulti (specially if you include an Aghs and therefore a 50% slow plus massive damage). In a normal game you rarely get to be level 25, and even if you do at that point everybody will be walking around with a BKB or just too many HP points for you to do more than scratch the surface with a level 1 ulti. You explain the ulti is not for your playstyle, but I think that's dumb, since your build is like a CM-ganker, and to be able to kill some opponents, with the advantage you might get from the kills and assists, you could just put some XP into your ultimate, even without Blink Dagger nor Glimmer Cape nor anything else (your ability to quickly out run your opponents means you can outsmart them and ulti from places a bit more secure).

Besides this, I have a suggestion: why not include Eye of Skadi, since this is a fun-intended-guide anyway? :)

Other than that, good job!
Bleak | May 28, 2015 3:16pm
Thanks michimatsch, and thank you for reading. My other guides are more serious. This is just for messing around.
michimatsch (26) | May 28, 2015 5:12am
Kody this guide is clearly not for serious games it'S just an idea to mess around and have fun (i would certainly not have fun like this but if others enjoy then they should be free to do it in Pubs).
+1 :3
Bleak | May 28, 2015 5:06am
SNY's total cost is higher, however its component cost is significantly lower, so you can still be ward ***** while you build it. I mentioned in the writeup that if you fall into extra gold to then get Blink before most other items. If however you're stuck with low gpm, build items progressively for cost effectiveness. If I am getting an early Blink I like to go Bracer > Tranquils > Blink, then build into other items.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | May 28, 2015 4:25am
putting sny in a more viable section than blink seems completely wrong to me, simply because sny costs twice as much as blink does, and gives nowherenear the mobility that blink does.

I would rather go tranquils into blink into force rather than sny, would cost me the same as phase> drums>sny :/
Bleak | May 28, 2015 3:18am
While I don't like BKB if I can avoid it, sometimes punks will try to stack stuns on you. Right you are.
TheSofa (54) | May 28, 2015 2:08am
Great guide, I like it!

No BKB concerns me though. :{D
Bleak | May 28, 2015 1:58am
Thanks for reading.

It's just for pubs and having fun. It's not something I would recommend for serious play, unless you're stomping so hard you feel like just messing around. The first time I did this build several people on both my team and the enemy team said I was the best Crystal Maiden they had ever seen. Followed a second after by "Wait, why the **** do you have a Sange and Yasha?! Lol.
apaz (17) | May 28, 2015 12:14am
It seems like you have a knowledge of how to play CM normally, but I still don't think S+Y is very viable. Even so, not going to make fun of it too much, as I'm sure you know this.

Either way, for what it is, nice guide.
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