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126 Votes

Crystal Maiden - A Chilly Ride

September 12, 2015 by Nubtrain
Comments: 59    |    Views: 953474    |   

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PingaPete | October 30, 2015 12:55am
No Glimmer Cape?
Works well with ulty :)
Forb335y | March 19, 2015 8:21am
Great guide well done!

One point in the max aura build you only have three points in the aura! I think
That might have been a mistake
ChiChi (47) | March 12, 2015 7:00pm
I look at this guide as a child looks at his mother ahah

I mean, it is great, obviously, and while mine is directed to low level pub games (try buying s Smoke of Deceit when you leave base if you want to be flammed quickly), yours is definitely directed at higher levels

+1 always
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 17, 2015 7:07pm
me likey guide by the way.

Nubtrain (58) | February 17, 2015 7:02pm
hoanghuy3011 wrote:

Well it dont actually take that much time, i update patch 6.83 on gamepedia. Sorry if it take more time on guides, i dont have the experience. About Hamstertamer saying, point taken dude. Also i forgot to +1 this guide, it deserved that.

I'll update tonight, thanks for your concern.
hoanghuy3011 | February 14, 2015 2:59am
Well it dont actually take that much time, i update patch 6.83 on gamepedia. Sorry if it take more time on guides, i dont have the experience. About Hamstertamer saying, point taken dude. Also i forgot to +1 this guide, it deserved that.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 13, 2015 8:00am
Guys, there is no point in updating a guide for every minor change that a hero goes through. Guides are about how to play the hero, and some minor number tweaks change literally *nothing* about it.
Dimonychan (43) | February 13, 2015 7:20am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

my good friend do you know how much time it takes to update the smallest of guides? no right? let me tell you, it takes a LOT of time to update guide.Believe me, i know.

First, unless there was a major rewor of the hero/skill, it doesn't take a lot of time to update a guide to a new version - for CM there were no major chages, edit the numbers in description, add a change log, and you're done.

Second, it's not like 6.83 was released just a week ago, even a guide for a hero who was fully reworked could be easily updated for that time. The reason behing Nub not doing it, is IMO in these changes being minor, though I would mention it as the bunch of these changes creates a very nice buff overally.
KoDyAbAbA (65) | February 13, 2015 5:43am
my good friend do you know how much time it takes to update the smallest of guides? no right? let me tell you, it takes a LOT of time to update guide.Believe me, i know.
hoanghuy3011 | February 13, 2015 4:56am
Dude. For the love of god update patch 6.83 please. You use new Frost Avalanche photo at the start of this guide, so how about some update? Quite nice format however.
Nubtrain (58) | August 31, 2014 11:45am
ninjetsu wrote:

Hi, well uhm... I find your guide really good. However, I just would like to pinpoint a really small error in your guide. You seem to have placed 5 points in crystal nova instead of only 4. Hope I was able to help. Keep up the good work btw!

Haha thanks for noticing ^__^
ninjetsu | August 11, 2014 11:18am
Hi, well uhm... I find your guide really good. However, I just would like to pinpoint a really small error in your guide. You seem to have placed 5 points in crystal nova instead of only 4. Hope I was able to help. Keep up the good work btw!
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