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7 Votes

Crixalis-The Sand Lord

December 21, 2011 by borodin
Comments: 7    |    Views: 9733    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Fighting Stealth Ganker

DotA2 Hero: Sand King

Hero Skills

Caustic Finale (Innate)


1 3 5 7

Sand Storm

2 8 10 12


4 9 13 15


6 11 16


14 17 18


Welcome to Crixalis THE Sand King Guide

Here in this build you will see why you should play with this dude and why you should not gank and only relying onand you will see how to useand much more
So lets start the tour!!!

Pros / Cons

Now this is why you should play this dude:

1. Great Farmer with 2. and 3. skill
2. Even better Ganker
3. Harrasing is one of his good sides
4. Devastating Ultimate
5. 2 great Escape tools
6. Burst damage
7. Good both Fighter and Magic damage Ganker
8. Item depended (in good way)


1. Small mana pool
2. Item depended (in bad way)


People may wander why I play him with attack damage and not focus on ganking withand. Well when you play with magic damage build you feel very weak and not enough powerful to kill enemies. So in next two chapters I will explain my items so lets start:

Items -Build 1 -

At start becouse of his need for mana I takewithLater I try to earn enough gold as fast as can to buy Phase boots becouse of damage and ms that you need for ganking. When the game gets serious I buyIf you think this is stupid just look at the stats:

+38 damage
+10 attack speed
Wind Walk (active)

Wind Walk:

Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or use an ability
While invisible you move 20% faster and can move through units
Has a 0.3 second fade time
Attacking to break the invisibility will cause you to deal 150 bonus physical damage on your attack
Lasts 9 seconds, costs 75 mana, and has an 18 second cooldown

AfterI buyto arrange my stats and ultimate
Finally I getfor ganking.
After that I getfor last hitting on kills.
Upgradeafter buying
At least buyto become more tankier for the late-game.

Items -Build 2-

In the Build 2 I will explain the magic damage dealer Crixalis.
In the beginning takeand.
For boots takefor mana.
Main items areandfor ganking.
After that I takefor last hitting kills andfor amplifing magic damage by 25% in 500 AoE for a duration [ Enemies take a lot more damage (25% more)]
And at the end I takefor tankier build.
I maybe takeandlater.

Lothar's Edge

At the beginning i told you guys i will show you how to play withand i will.
But before i will repeat the stats of:

+38 damage
+10 attack speed
Wind Walk (active)

Wind Walk:

Makes you invisible until the duration ends, or until you attack or use an ability
While invisible you move 20% faster and can move through units
Has a 0.3 second fade time
Attacking to break the invisibility will cause you to deal 150 bonus physical damage on your attack
Lasts 9 seconds, costs 75 mana, and has an 18 second cooldown

1. Why to buy this:
A)Attacking to break the invisibility will cause you to deal 150 bonus physical damage on your attack
B)Great escape tool with 9 seconds stealth and 20% more MS

A) How to use it to gank:
1. Stealth/Attack/Burrowstrike/Epicenter/Chase with Phase is a good old combo
2. Epicenter/Kelen's dagger/Burrowstrike/Attack/Phase is also a good one
B) Escape tool:
1. Wind Walk/Phase
2. Sand storm/Wind Walk


For skills nothing unusual:
First maxafter that takeanduniformly. Takewhen ever It's free.

The original explanation for his skills
Sand King


STR (18 + 2.6/level)
AGI (19 + 2.1/level)
INT (16 + 1.8/level)
Attack Range 128
Attack Speed 1.7
Movement Speed 300
HoN Equivalent Magmus

The Sand King burrows into the ground and tunnels forward, impaling everything above him, then resurfaces.

Pros: High damage,Long range,Escape tool.
Cons: High mana cost.
Sand Storm

Sand King creates a fearsome Sand Storm. The storm blinds his enemies and he becomes invisible to them. The storm also causes his opponents to take damage.

Pors: great Farming and Jungling skill,even better escape tool.
Cons: cant move in the cloud of sand.
Caustic Finale

Each of the Sand King's attacks injects a deadly venom that causes the target to explode violently on death, dealing damage in an area.

Pors: Great Farming and Harassing tool.
Cons: Can't be trigger it off.

Sends a disturbance into the earth, causing it to shudder violently. All caught within range will take damage and become slowed. The closer to the epicenter, the more damage taken.

Pors: Extremly high damage, great ganking tool.
Cons: Chanel is very long and can be easily interpted.


He is a great jungler with his second and third skill i a combo but i dont recommend to play him that way because he has more chances in lane than in the Jungle.

At The End ....

This was a build for Crixalis The Sand King
sorry for spelling mistakes and so if you liked it contact me down below and ask for techniques and such or ask me to make more guides hoped you liked this one.

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