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6 Votes

Creating Chaos! A Guide to Leshrac

May 18, 2013 by soyacan
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soyacan (1) | May 9, 2013 3:47pm
Ahh, I see what you were saying. I apologize for for the mistake. But I do agree with you, Leshrac should not be picked if your team does not have a consistent/reliable disabler.

edit: edited when to pick/when not to pick leshrac. Will update item explanations soon
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 9, 2013 12:34pm
I wouldn't include Kunkka, since he has the same problem Leshrac does.

Also, when I said "first layer stun" I was refering to slows, stuns, and other disables. If your team is Faceless Void, Silencer, Lone Druid, Queen of Pain, then leshrac is likely not a good option, since there is no stun on the team to support his stun, even though your team needs stuns.

That's all I was saying. Leshrac should be picked in tandem of stuns, not to fill the gap of lack of stuns.
soyacan (1) | May 8, 2013 7:08pm
@Wisdomseyes1 Yes, Leshrac's stun is rather difficult to land, not to mention the mediocre range it has. But as long as your team has a decent slow or other form of "disable" (outworld devourer, shadow demon, clockwerk?, kunkka, ect...), landing split earth isn't really as difficult as you might think. Prediction is also a big factor in this, but picked up a Euls doesn't help either.

Edit: Further edited the lightning build to be more suited to team fights, but not as much survivability. Now is a bit less focused on ultimate.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 8, 2013 4:30pm
When to pick LESHRAC

"When your team needs a stunner"

If your team doesn not already have a first layer stun, Leshrac is going to have a very hard time I guarantee it.
TangoNCash (3) | May 8, 2013 3:06am
I agree that this is more of a carry build Lesh than a pure support. I agree with the previous commenters that in a support role you are likely to be better off with a Shiva's Guard or Scythe of Vyse because you are unlikely to get bloodstone early enough for it to be maximally efficient.

For either build I strongly disagree with the skill build: taking late max of your secondary damage dealer (like maxing lighting or split earth in your first and second builds, respectively.) You are going to get a LOT more damage out of putting levels in these skills than you will get from getting extra points in stats.
soyacan (1) | May 6, 2013 6:38pm
Thank you all for your feedback. I did put in a pushing/harassing build using lightning. Also, I usually find that I get enough assists/accidental ks to get bloodstone by midish game. Thanks again though.

Edit: further improved some item explanations
Yoda (9) | May 5, 2013 11:28am
I like to go for one level of Split Earth and then max it last cus edict and lightning have a better damage output combined. For the skill build, it's not "player reference" it's a situation based skill if you are going offensive tri-lane Diabolic Edict isn't that useful. In your average dual lane or babysitting lane, lighting is your go to skill, it was not designed for teamfights it's mostly a laneing skill as you can harass you enemies with one lighting as well as get some last hits if possible, the 5.5 sec CD makes this one of the best harass spells in the game.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | May 5, 2013 1:34am
This build is suitable for a farming Leshrac, but most of the time this Hero is played as a hard support: putting the Bloodstone as a core item would mislead new players, making they think a support needs farm and many items to be effective. I usually buy an Urn of Shadows first, then proceed taking either a Force Staff (which you mentioned), Ghost Scepter (if the enemy team always focuses me in teamfights) or Black King Bar (if I'm having a great time pushing and my level is high enough): you might want to add them.

Talking about the Bloodstone, again, considering the average time for getting a pair of Arcane Boots on a support is 15 minutes it wouldn't take less than ~45 minutes. But, if we consider that you're playing with a pushing lineup (which is why you pick Leshrac most of the time) you could probably get it in ~35-40 minutes, which is still a big amount of time. I would personally list other choices to get a bigger mana pool or more mana regen such as a Scythe of Vyse or Shiva's Guard: they also give you more stats or armor, which is as useful as the health given from the Bloodstone. Plus, their active ability is way more efficient in teamfights.

I completely agree with the skill build, though: if you're supporting, either max-out Split Earth and Diabolic Edict or Split Earth and Lightning Storm; you don't have enough mana to use both.
samukobo (28) | May 4, 2013 9:28pm
I get what you're saying, but I just can't agree about not getting Lightning Storm. It's a huge pushing skill, and if you're going to be a pure support Leshrac you could just max Split Earth and Lightning Storm first and focus on teamfights. True, it gets the target at random, but it's still much reliable damage when compared to Diabolic Edict, which basically requires you to keep a target in an AOE in a 1v1 situation, so you would only use this for pushing to get an ideal result.

I'm not saying change your build, because your build is completely legit for pushing. But there are other builds that get lightning storm first/second, so I would suggest adding that to the skill builds. More explanation on his supporting role would also be good, along with a foes/friends section.

Besides that, overall a good guide. Especially for your first try.

+1 :)
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