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Counter the Carries - Anticarries

June 13, 2013 by Jcam0102
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SkyStormSpectre (22) | June 17, 2013 8:35am
ratman1234 wrote:

Razor Static Link:

This is actually inaccurate, Razor can static link and it works even if the hero is currently magic immune. Verified this in games today and very strong for something like Ursa.

Yes it can be used through magic immunity, and it isn't blocked by Linken's making him an exceptional anti-carry if you manage to keep the link up long enough.
Uberhenk (2) | June 17, 2013 7:24am
No Brewmaster ??

With his attackspeed slow, drunken haze and evasion the enemy carry will have a really bad time.
ratman1234 | June 15, 2013 6:00pm
Razor Static Link:

- magic immunity to not even have the debuff placed on s hero,

This is actually inaccurate, Razor can static link and it works even if the hero is currently magic immune. Verified this in games today and very strong for something like Ursa.
soyacan (1) | June 13, 2013 9:55am
+1, shadow shaman feels lonely though
Jcam0102 (1) | June 12, 2013 12:59am
Tikru8 wrote:

I like this guide. Good idea and a fresh angle on things instead of the traditional "Kunkka counters PL, Templar Assasin Counters Kunkka. Etc etc..."

However, where's Omniknight? Guardian Angel and Degen Aura work really well against right-clickers and Purification against low hp-high armor (i.e. agility) carries.

Also I think you should mention that Viper Strike goes through magic immunity; a Viper with an Aghanim's Scepter upgraded ulti can practically keep out a melee hero from attack range permanently even if they get bkb.

Very good thoughts Tikru. Very nice. Omniknight may be chosen next time I play against one of those heroes...
As for Viper...he is one of my favourite heroes, probably the easiest if I want to get some kills and burn off some steam (no pun intended). I don't remember if Viper Strike goes through magic immunity, but I believe you :) . That hero, is truly the embodiment 'point and click at whatever you want to die'. I shall add that in tomorrow, I've been off and very busy of late. I plan to actually start my hero synergy guide tomorrow. By the way all, Dark Seer vs Phantom Lancer is quite ridiculous. Ion Shell gets rid of illusions with ease and you can make your own illusion army - that can deal 140% of Phantom's damage.
Tikru8 (4) | June 5, 2013 1:15am
I like this guide. Good idea and a fresh angle on things instead of the traditional "Kunkka counters PL, Templar Assasin Counters Kunkka. Etc etc..."

However, where's Omniknight? Guardian Angel and Degen Aura work really well against right-clickers and Purification against low hp-high armor (i.e. agility) carries.

Also I think you should mention that Viper Strike goes through magic immunity; a Viper with an Aghanim's Scepter upgraded ulti can practically keep out a melee hero from attack range permanently even if they get bkb.
Jcam0102 (1) | June 1, 2013 5:47am
Mirror wrote:

Faceless Void is best anti cary because late game he kills other carries!!!1!

Blade mail Axe needs a mention. He does little vs heros like life stealer but can wreck heros like Antimage

Timbersaw does not scale in any way. I do not think he is a good anti Cary

I think silencer does not anti Cary as well. He has no stuns or slows for early game and late game he is a Cary.

Mirror - Void hets countered by a few heroes. Plus he doesn't have any unique farming tool, so to actually hard carry it needs to be a good void.

Any tank with blademail could work really well against high damage, so I don't think that is a unique point

Timbersaw can be really durable and 15% of hero's stats really hurt. With mana, he can tank and do amazing damage - easily anticarry. Also can farm really well.

Silencer - amount of times I have screwed up carries by stealing their intelligence, and they can't use all their spells. Kill them simply 5 timess, not feeding, just 5, and thats 10 int (130 mana) - that is huge.
Mirror (22) | May 31, 2013 1:43pm
Faceless Void is best anti cary because late game he kills other carries!!!1!

Blade mail Axe needs a mention. He does little vs heros like life stealer but can wreck heros like Antimage

Timbersaw does not scale in any way. I do not think he is a good anti Cary

I think silencer does not anti Cary as well. He has no stuns or slows for early game and late game he is a Cary.

The best way to counter a Cary is teamwork and winning mid and late game. If the other team plays there cards right and gets there Cary online there is not much you can do.
Jcam0102 (1) | May 31, 2013 1:23am
I'm not going to deny that Wisdomeyes1. He can of course do well agaisnt Weaver, but my main purpose in tihs guide is to present anticarries that will be good in them majority of situations. Lion will squish Weaver, but Bane can do well, especially after Weaver can be seen and Fiend's Grip can murder that bug. It does sound like we agree now. Think I got confused by your earlier post.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | May 30, 2013 6:31pm
Thank you Wisdomeyes1 for pointing that out to me, I forgot it works against true strike. How does Bane only work against Lifestealer and Lone Druid? He works against all carries by being able to disable them hard. He is better against DPSers, but not only good against druid and life.

Once again it seems you thought I said something I didn't.

"Example being Bane, while being a good hero all around, is mostly only an anti carry for Lone Druid and Lifestealer"

While, yes, bane is an amazing hero, he is mostly picked up when you see lifestealer or lone druid. Else, the pick, while good, is not as good as other counterpicks (like if your opponent had a weaver and no lifestealer or LD, for example, then yes Bane is still a good pick, but Lion is a better pick.)

It is about how they counter carries, yes. But it is also which carries they counter that is also important. Making the most effective team composition is the name of the game, even if that means sometimes picking Lion even though he would otherwise never see play (and lion does see play on occasion simply because he does counter weaver)
Nubtrain (58) | May 30, 2013 3:03pm
For this type of work it's fine if you go indepth as long as you can get to the point and make it clear.
Jcam0102 (1) | May 30, 2013 1:48pm
Lixed I probably could include all the heroes that these guys counter. But overall that would be a fair few heroes, and i do not want people to be reading five pages of stuff. But obviously your not going to use people who use illusions to then go and kill a caster hero that has poor DPS. I think the heroes they can counter can be worked out by people and that the carries they face, will have weaknesses to some of the heroes I have mentioned. Carries get countered by having to fight their own illusions which do a percentage of their own damage. I was playing Dark Seer yesterday and Wall of Replica netted me a good few kills, using the illusions of the carries. Shadow Demon has his own illusions to do the same thing. I haven't missed skills either. Stuns counter just about everything and so does silence so what is the point in putting them in? The skills I have used amplify the damage a hero will take, making it easier to kill them. % hp spells like Elder Titan's Earth Splitter will do more damage to heroes with higher hp - I have explained this. Don't down vote my guide and say I missed all the stuns. Prove to me here a good Lifestealer cannot carry, or a Razor cannot destroy a team with the right items? Razor is a tank who can deal tonnes d damage - and both these heroes are known anticarries. Outworld Devourer is a known carry, but also can really hurt heroes with a low mana pool - cripple them like I have said. Don't tell me carries can't anticarry - cause I've just proved they do.

Thank you Wisdomeyes1 for pointing that out to me, I forgot it works against true strike. How does Bane only work against Lifestealer and Lone Druid? He works against all carries by being able to disable them hard. He is better against DPSers, but not only good against druid and life.

Yes the heroes mentioned don't counter every hero, some do much better against others then some heroes will and so on.
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