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4 Votes

Cookie's Sniper - Shrapnel frenzy

March 10, 2013 by cookiebrawl
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cookiebrawl (1) | March 23, 2013 7:56am
ty for feedback!!
You're absolutely right about the salve; very useful situational regen.
3 branch + 1 slipper = 57hp, 39mp, 4agi/damage
2 branch + 2 slipper = 38hp, 26mp, 6agi/damage
+2 to last hitting power, or slightly more hp/mp. Really personal preference here. Either way is fine :)

I guess I didn't know the right word for it :P but yes! Manta's nuke-dodge and scaling capability make it even more desirable. But as the FIRST major item, in a early-mid game situation, it mostly just makes you more survivable (with nuke-dodge if you have quick fingers, with illusions, or with more MS). The speed bonuses and the illusions scale very well as Sniper levels or gets more damage items. Thanks for pointing this out.
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 20, 2013 4:30pm
"Manta Style is decent, but it's sorta like an in-between item. Because it improves a little bit of everything (dmg, AS, MS, illusions) so you may feel like it's not making much of a difference. If lets say you went and got a desolator first, yes you can notice your damage difference, but u attack a lil slower, move a lil slower, and no illusions."

I am sorry I only just noticed this...


Manta Style is not an inbetween item... since it's active avoids nukes... and it's damage increases as you level (since illusions are based on what your power level is when you make them). It is one of the strongest agaility carry items in the game.

The item you are thinking of is "Sange and Yasha"
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | March 19, 2013 4:25pm
I don't like double tango. Especially on a hero with such low starting HP.

Sniper has long range but that doesn't mean he can't get harassed offlane. Especially with more agressive Mids like huskar that can just eat through your HP in a flash. I feel a Salve should be part of the starting items just because if you are down to 100 HP, those tangos are going to take a while to use. If you don't have to use them all because of lack of harassment (that also happens where you buy 6 and end up using only 3) then you are using up an item slot that could otherwise be more easilly freed.

Personally, I feel a more sutable starting item build would be something like: Salve, Tango, 3 Ironwoods, and a slipers.

You have the extra inventory space, and the second slippers you are going to sell anyway (since slippers will only build into a ring or poorman's and you wont be getting a poorman's very often)

+3+3+6 is more appealing to me (especially when none of the gold is being waisted) than +2+2+8. 18 more HP, 13 more mana, and none of the money is going to have to be sold back (and less expensive at that)- all at the cost of 2 damage.
Yasutsuna (51) | March 13, 2013 6:26am
Awesome guide! The format is okay and is quite informative.

Keep this up when you write this guide!
mightycookie (5) | March 13, 2013 5:50am
You could also consider phase boots. Especially yf you go mid with him. Allow him to move fast and escape some ganks, and gives som nice damage. Other then that this i basically how i build aniper
cookiebrawl (1) | March 12, 2013 7:36am
Thanks Chicken here and pumpermoose I appreciate the feedback!
Yeah I accidently submitted it half way; I was still editing at that point, but it's mostly finished now!

I may update it later on for more 'pros vs cons' analysis, 'friends and foes' section, and yeah the escape mechanism thing - unless you go for the Shadow Blade build, I'm not sure how that can be implemented. I'll get back to you on that haha.

Manta Style is decent, but it's sorta like an in-between item. Because it improves a little bit of everything (dmg, AS, MS, illusions) so you may feel like it's not making much of a difference. If lets say you went and got a desolator first, yes you can notice your damage difference, but u attack a lil slower, move a lil slower, and no illusions.
Chicken here (2) | March 11, 2013 3:16am
Finally somebody who look to the Shrapnel,a useful skill for pushing the Early-Mid Game and could be active in the Mid Game to provide firepower unlike being a useless Sniper farming until the late game where all your team calls for a gg.Good Job,hopefully when the guide is fully finished I will give a +1 :)
pumpermoose (2) | March 10, 2013 9:41pm
Hey man, really like the guide, describes everything perfectly and reads real well! Broken up the walls of text with some collours and spaces, I like it man looks good!

May want to add a section of how to escape with sniper? Or a few other sections, seems like you forgot to publish the rest or something... stops in the middle of the skills build.

I like playing sniper occasionally. PERSONALLY, not a huge fan of Shrapnel. Often when I play him I will get that as my last 4 levels and max stats before I get that. I guess it just comes down to your style of play. Most of the time teams just want sniper at the back of team fights popping off pot shots with huge DPS and a Desolator to just melt heros.

I haven't seen many players get a Manta Style on sniper, how effective do you find it?

Interesting concept, not sure if its for me but I like the guide!
cookiebrawl (1) | March 10, 2013 11:27am
By the way this is my first guide guys.
Lemme know what you think!! ty :D
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