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Comprehensive Guide to Team Play (Part II: Team Plays and Combos)

January 16, 2014 by Ryuichii
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anhtrantuan | November 28, 2014 9:08pm
Excellent job, pal! I can't wait to see later parts! :-)
Eheroduelist (2) | January 16, 2014 9:01pm
Xyrus wrote:

This ^

For example, you can mention how picking up a Hero like Bane to lock down the Sven in the "4 Protect Sven" lineup can be useful for taking him out of the picture with either Nightmare or Fiend's Grip.

Also, about Offensive Comboes section, did you mean to add Venomancer instead of Viper?

Both Veno and Viper have movement slows, but Viper's is more consistent, since it is his auto-attack rather than one blast for a temporary movement slow.
However, a similar combo can work with Omniknight-Juggs, since Omniknight has a passive movement slow.
Xyrus (104) | January 16, 2014 7:31am
Eheroduelist wrote:

excellent guide, fairly thorough and explains to a reasonable degree about team composition and analyzing any team's strengths and weaknesses.

Only improvement I can suggest is to go more in-depth about counter-picking. Like how one example of how to counter-pick your versatile team would be something like
Silencer, Huskar, Dazzle, Abaddon, Bounty Hunter
Silencer shuts down the spell-spam of the main team, Huskar for nuking damage, Dazzle's Shallow Grave + ult for armor boosting, Bounty for high burst + invis + Track to counter Ghost Walk/bonus gold

Nonetheless, well done.

This ^

For example, you can mention how picking up a Hero like Bane to lock down the Sven in the "4 Protect Sven" lineup can be useful for taking him out of the picture with either Nightmare or Fiend's Grip.

Also, about Offensive Comboes section, did you mean to add Venomancer instead of Viper?
Sando (118) | January 16, 2014 7:24am
A good attempt at talking about these issues, and the presentation is nice. I think there's a bit of a problem with your examples though - it's always difficult thinking them up, but they're kinda bad/awkward.

The first Sven based team would be pretty difficult to lane effectively, and in fights yes, they're totally reliant on that Sven - the likes of Bane or Razor could make that a real mistake by just stealing/enfeebling his damage or Fiend's Gripping him. Basically any stun that goes through magic immunity and the team's in big trouble. Games goes late, it's over.

The second global team is just kinda weird, all pretty squishy and easy meat for a team with burst damage. Some invis heroes and a few with extra magic resistance/tankiness ( Huskar/ Pudge/ Rubick etc) to round it off and it's going to be over quickly. Safe lane combo of Zeus + Bloodseeker is kinda meh, could work against some opponents, but no stuns or slows at all.

I kinda get that they're meant to be extreme examples, but they demonstrate many of the flaws you're talking about with regard to being predictable/inflexible/easy to counter. Some rework here could really improve the guide imho.
Eheroduelist (2) | January 16, 2014 6:25am
excellent guide, fairly thorough and explains to a reasonable degree about team composition and analyzing any team's strengths and weaknesses.

Only improvement I can suggest is to go more in-depth about counter-picking. Like how one example of how to counter-pick your versatile team would be something like
Silencer, Huskar, Dazzle, Abaddon, Bounty Hunter
Silencer shuts down the spell-spam of the main team, Huskar for nuking damage, Dazzle's Shallow Grave + ult for armor boosting, Bounty for high burst + invis + Track to counter Ghost Walk/bonus gold

Nonetheless, well done.
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