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12 Votes

Complete Guide Sniper by Dogjr

January 28, 2014 by dogjr
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dogjr | January 28, 2014 10:38am
This guide is from my experience as player also this is my personal guide which by all means it doesnt must suit to your gameplay.
moistointment | January 28, 2014 10:30am
Shrapnelis not worth maxing over head shot. Max out Take Aim and Headshot first, then take Shrapnel. Plus, your item choices are ridiculous. Down vote
dogjr | January 28, 2014 10:06am
Well Blink Dagger on Sniper if you build Ghost Sniper by all means make Divine Rapier after shadow blade , you realy need blink after all,since you need extra escape machine, about power threads true its give you ekstra 30 % attack speed, and stats, but you forget the fact that by using my build you will constanly use lot of mana, which cant be sustain if you build power thread.

Well for harssing enemy heroes in lane with your range and Headshot procs, true if you and your team mates have overwhelmed situation, like 2 vs 1 , but in real battlefield , i prefer spam my
Assassinate and Shrapnel from fog map,its more effective and didnt reveal your position.

Sniper is not a support hero. He is a mid/late game semi-carry. If all you are doing is spamming Sharpnel on towers, you aren't doing your job,nah this is where you guys have wrong mindset, i prefer sniper that can give me mana and help take tower fast, also can spam Assassinate a lot rather sniper that focus at headshot,since all he can do just normal attack, yes in winning situation its no problem, but in losing situation you just became a burden, since there is nothing you can do to help , true you stay from a far killing guys, only if the enemy cant approach you because your team mate can do the job by shielding , if they can however breaking the shield, you are just another dead creep.
ashwinthegrim (7) | January 28, 2014 7:33am
Divine Rapier is an absolutely terrible item on Sniper. Unless you are losing the game by a huge margin, you shouldn't be building this. The reason is that, Sniper, like you said, is a very squishy hero. Even with your Shadow Blade, dust or gem or sentries will easily spot you, and once the enemy knows you have a rapier, they will focus you down, which is easy, given that you are a low hp hero with low armor.

Also, I wouldn't recommend Blink Dagger on Sniper. You already mention that your advantage is your range, why would you want to close that range. If you are talking about having the dagger for an escape mechanism, that's still bad, since you can't blink immediately before being attacked. In such a scenario, Force Staff could be better.

Sniper is not a support hero. He is a mid/late game semi-carry. If all you are doing is spamming Sharpnel on towers, you aren't doing your job. You should be harassing enemy heroes in lane with your range and Headshot procs.

Assassinate is your bread-and-butter yes, but by no means is it your only source of damage. Your auto attacks are what make you dangerous if farmed well. I would prioritize getting attack speed for more headshot procs, which is again why I disagree with Arcane Boots. Power Treads give you much needed attack speed. Early game, keep them on str for the life boost. Mid/late game, switch them to agi for even more damage. Attack speed on Sniper is such a great stat, Assault Cuirass and Maelstorm aren't uncommon on him.

If I had to six-slot a Sniper, I would probably go with Power Treads, Desolator/ Monkey King Bar (if enemy has butterfly), Assault Cuirass, Daedalus, Butterfly and Satanic.
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