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9 Votes

Complete guide on "How to improve quickly in Dota"

December 8, 2014 by Altair139
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Altair139 | December 8, 2014 8:33am
new players who play Visage always feed his birds -_- that's the main reason why i do not recommend him. Well for Bane other than Nightmare the rest of his skills are fairly easy to use so they just need to learn how to use Nightmare i think
even spamming keys to improve APM also helps in reacting faster, and as people improve and get higher rank they tend to have a higher average APM compared to new players that's why i noticed this issue too. And for top players you can even hear them spamming keys really loud in streams/competition (summit 2) :x. i think average players have around 100 APM, good-pro players have above 150 APM and new players have around 50-70
Unscathed (47) | December 7, 2014 2:10am
Dude hit the publish button *******it
Cataclysm2146 (3) | December 6, 2014 3:20pm
Good guide. One minor thing that annoys me, though, is that you bring up APM. Extremley low APM(As in standing still waiting for lasthits) is bad, but other than that, some people like me click every step their hero takes, which results in an inflated APM that means nothing at all. Oh and Visage isn't hard. Or at least he's easy enough that newish players can play him and not fail miserably. Although heroes like Invoker should definitley be avoided(Ever see a Tinker who builds Arcane Boots and Aghanim's Scepter? I have)
EDIT: Don't suggest Bane to new players, at a newish player's level, some people don't know what Nightmare does and... Yeah.
Altair139 | November 18, 2014 3:41am
thanks for the rating guys :D do comment for future improvement

although I don't think big hero pool is always good, if you raise MMR you want to play fewer heroes, those you know the best

ya it's true that at higher level you need to play heroes you know best that's why i said you should concentrate in 1 or 2 roles after you've escaped hell mmr :/.
Dimonychan (43) | November 17, 2014 11:29am
Sometimes the drain mana from the cog is essential to kills enemies such as Storm Spirit or Wraith King

And then I remember the moment from 6K player's stream where he got, as he said, "pissed on" by Clockwerk who hooked him, used Force Staff and Power Cogs for teh burn, and the player's reaction.

+1 just for the memories(the guide is decent too, although I don't think big hero pool is always good, if you raise MMR you want to play fewer heroes, those you know the best).

By the way if someone masters GANKING in a UNFAIR Bot match, I think he/she can be a damn good ganker in Pub games :D

Can't agree with that. Before minute 5-7(don't know exact time) bots do not place wards, and if they do, they only ward rune spots. And bots do not know what is map awareness, theym if I recall correctly, do not even report missing. The only issue is your allies being extremely stupid, but with a couple of pings you can make them initiate and ez gank ez kill.
Sando (118) | November 17, 2014 10:50am
Good advice +1
Xenith | November 17, 2014 9:59am
I think this is very helpful, +1 from me.

By the way if someone masters GANKING in a UNFAIR Bot match, I think he/she can be a damn good ganker in Pub games :D
Altair139 | November 15, 2014 9:34pm
Thanks for the comments :D Will definitely add these later.
Unscathed (47) | November 15, 2014 9:33pm
Upvote from me

U shuld add hero learning branches

Example: positionings

Lich--> Tidehunter--> Puck etc.
MrLocket (16) | November 15, 2014 9:01pm
Very nice guide, definitely a +1 from me.

Though you may add a "must-try hero" section, such as Templar Assassin, Tusk, Beastmaster with early level of Call of the Wild (Hawk).

I agreed that many people underestimated what bots can do, and also they allows player to learn how to harass laning enemy out of lane control.
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