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2 Votes

Complete Guide

May 15, 2014 by OneLonerambler
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Assassin016 | May 18, 2014 7:23pm
I play him so differently. I usually go for S&Y, force staff, skull basher and a crystalysis. Of course phase and power threads and an orb of venom for early kills.
FleetAU (16) | May 16, 2014 3:59pm
What if im snowballing like you always do with blood and I want more damage, I would probs get MKB or if im invincible a rapier. Also I think sheep stick can be a luxury item of this PA is doing 90000 damage crits (as always)
everyone has already said what I would say about the skill build.
I'm sorry, but please dont post guides after you have just hit level 5 in dota and you always win pubs with blood
Sando (118) | May 16, 2014 7:51am
I'd say Eul's is practically core unless you have a team with at least min-stuns who are prepared to be there whenever you gank in the midgame (with enough attackspeed/ Skull Basher this becomes unnecessary). It's no good having a bit more damage against players who will just TP away. Hell, I've played heroes like Keeper of the Light and deliberately drew out Rupture.

Tbh I think personally there's too much long held "wisdom" about Bloodseeker - he's got to go physical damage, he should never go lifesteal etc. At the end of the day he's a ganky snowball carry with a good long Silence and a magic immunity busting movement suppressor, who can heal strongly from enemy deaths and is a good chaser. Personally, I think lifesteal suits him very well - keeping him alive until enemy heroes start dropping, while the Eul's offers a lot of utility that lets you keep getting the cash/levels you need to snowball into big damage.

Support BS is pretty out there - no slow, no stun, Blood Bath is kinda wasted, maybe you can semi-jungle a bit. Super-situational.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 16, 2014 7:10am
With Eul's Scepter of Divinity you are delaying your physical damage ( Bloodseeker anyway in comparision with hard carries can't compete). Purchasing this item can make you just a walking Rupture, and able to silence many people. So you are becoming a situational magic burst damage hero with an additional silence and situational high movement speed.

Bloodseeker support new meta?
ElDiablo (10) | May 16, 2014 6:15am
Yzreel wrote:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really think that getting eul is a better option than force staff. Eul gies BS bonus movement speed, some mana regrn to NEVER go home and continue roaming, cyclone as a semi-escape maneuver and most importantly, cancelling TP (which basically counter-counter his weakness). It's price is also similar, so....

I haven't never thought about Eul's on BS but now when I think, it might work.
Yzreel (30) | May 16, 2014 5:01am
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I really think that getting eul is a better option than force staff. Eul gies BS bonus movement speed, some mana regrn to NEVER go home and continue roaming, cyclone as a semi-escape maneuver and most importantly, cancelling TP (which basically counter-counter his weakness). It's price is also similar, so....
Allegiance (9) | May 16, 2014 4:39am
Force Staff is an awesome utility item to have early.
But the reason many BS players get it because it buffs the damage of Rupture. However this is ****! on level 1 the push gives 120 Burst damage. (240/360 on level 2 and 3) This is simply not really worth spending 2250 gold on. (you would be better off with dagon)
It still is a good item to get, because it is good on pretty much every hero. The utility for your team is awesome.
Moodkill (9) | May 16, 2014 2:40am
I don't think Force Staff is a good item on bs, getting a Crystalys would be a better option IMO.
Krwiozerca (34) | May 16, 2014 2:06am
In-complete guide.
Yasutsuna (51) | May 15, 2014 5:30pm
While this might work in low-level pubs (except the boots part, unless you're insane and says that BS don't need boots since he can run fecking fast), You kind of realize that TP scroll counters BS pretty hard.

Personally, BS should be building Black King Bar and the sorts instead of focusing mid-game with mid-tier items like Force Staff/

Shadow Blade is redundant and a waste of gold on BS. While you might escape once or twice, people will bring dust / wards / gem. I feel that Black King Bar is better since magic immunity blocks majority stuns / roots.

Your skill build is too messed up. Bloodrage is only gotten in level 2 if you need to harass a ranged supporter. If not, focus on maxing your Blood Bath and Thirst. Bloodrage is always maxed last as you will only find it useful later on.
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