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8 Votes

Competitive Dragonus

April 21, 2013 by Supa
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Hades4u (296) | April 22, 2013 4:47am
mightycookie (5) | April 21, 2013 7:16pm
xco2 is not a troll,he is one of the most respected members of this community. you are seriously not bringing anything good here, you have no mana with this guide. you use your combo and then you have to go back to base, and the silence is very good early on. I'm not gonna vote on this guide, but i think that you should really change some stuff here, i would archive the guide and just work on it a bit more, give him more mana and regen. and he should get a bottle if mid, i recommend some cheap mana regen items like euls or rod of atos. also orchid rocks on this dude, seriously makes you kill the tankiest heroes with ease.
Supa (3) | April 21, 2013 7:04pm
drakon136 wrote:

Sorry, but I have to agree with xCO2. The guide as a whole is pretty bad. I strongly suggest taking Ancient Seal at level 4. It makes ganking heroes with blinks/stuns significantly easier, while amplifying the damage of all your other spells.

Wall of text incoming. I apologize in advance.

For example, let's consider Sniper, a common mid hero. At level 6, assuming he has a Magic Wand (which he should when laning against Skywrath Mage), Sniper has 672.5 health, which I will round up to 673. Provided you already have a Null Talisman, and still have one Circlet, Arcane Bolt will deal 104 damage. Concussive Shot deals 150 damage, and your ult deals 600 damage. This is all before magic resist. Added all together, then subtracting some damage from magic resist, your full combo will deal 640.5 damage, which I will round up to 641 damage. This is not enough to kill Sniper.

However, let's assume you have level 1 Ancient Seal instead of level 2 Arcane Bolt. Using Ancient Seal reduces their magic resistance to 8%. Without level 2 in Arcane Bolt, it deals 84 damage. The other skills do the same amount. Factoring in Ancient Seal, the combination of Concussive Shot and Mystic Flare will deal 690 damage; enough to kill Sniper.

But, if you decide not to take Ancient Seal at level 2/4, I suggest you take Arcane Bolt at level 1, and Concussive Shot at level 2. Arcane Bolt deals high damage early on, and has a very low mana cost and cooldown, so you can harass your opponent with it very easily.

No need for apology, I appreciate the input. :)

Good point, the only thing I would ask around that would be is 50 damage worth 80 mana(level 1 seal)? The damage needed to kill sniper is a difference of 50, that is 1 auto attack from Skywrath. Also, Sniper is slowed by 40% from Concussive Shot so it will be no problem to catch him and hit him once.

Thank you for your input. You're input was much better, don't throw yourself in with xC02 since hes a Troll.
drakon136 (3) | April 21, 2013 5:43pm
Sorry, but I have to agree with xCO2. The guide as a whole is pretty bad. I strongly suggest taking Ancient Seal at level 4. It makes ganking heroes with blinks/stuns significantly easier, while amplifying the damage of all your other spells.

Wall of text incoming. I apologize in advance.

For example, let's consider Sniper, a common mid hero. At level 6, assuming he has a Magic Wand (which he should when laning against Skywrath Mage), Sniper has 672.5 health, which I will round up to 673. Provided you already have a Null Talisman, and still have one Circlet, Arcane Bolt will deal 104 damage. Concussive Shot deals 150 damage, and your ult deals 600 damage. This is all before magic resist. Added all together, then subtracting some damage from magic resist, your full combo will deal 640.5 damage, which I will round up to 641 damage. This is not enough to kill Sniper.

However, let's assume you have level 1 Ancient Seal instead of level 2 Arcane Bolt. Using Ancient Seal reduces their magic resistance to 8%. Without level 2 in Arcane Bolt, it deals 84 damage. The other skills do the same amount. Factoring in Ancient Seal, the combination of Concussive Shot and Mystic Flare will deal 690 damage; enough to kill Sniper.

But, if you decide not to take Ancient Seal at level 2/4, I suggest you take Arcane Bolt at level 1, and Concussive Shot at level 2. Arcane Bolt deals high damage early on, and has a very low mana cost and cooldown, so you can harass your opponent with it very easily.
rei1207 (1) | April 21, 2013 2:55pm
thanks man it actually helps a lot! keep up the good work.
Switchback (1) | April 21, 2013 2:50pm
Thanks for this guide I'm really interested in playing this hero more often and glad that someone made a good guide on how to build and play him. Thanks again.
Supa (3) | April 21, 2013 2:38pm
xCO2 wrote:

Actually all of that said was 100% serious criticism, and I did downvote your guide because its got nothing going for it, it has a bad item build, bad skill build, and you provide no beneficial information. This wasn't an attack it was a hint that you should re-evaluate your guide, I upvote plenty of the guides on the site for heroes that I've made guides for, this however won't be one of them until you update it.

I'm not going to respond to any of that response because you didn't read what I said clearly, all that bloodlust because someone disagrees with you and backs it up with fact is clouding how you're interpreting this.

I'll tell you what though, I am going to report this, that will be my contribution to the community, you'll be reported for being malicious (going through and downvoting every guide I had) and boosting votes for your guide. The reason I know you're boosting votes is because you have 65 views, and 4 votes from other accounts, all positive and a response that was posted almost immediately this was published, with no feedback. This was actually listed and responded to so quickly that the guide isn't even registerable in the Skywrath guide list or the New guides feed.

Next time you play one game with a hero you've never played and do well, don't post a guide about that single game you played, try practicing and research and produce a practical guide.

End Troll. Thanks.
I didn't like any of your guides honestly, just sharing my opinion as you did.
I have friends on here who viewed my guide before it went live, that is why it has votes. They enjoyed it.
xCO2 (72) | April 21, 2013 2:11pm
Supa wrote:

Thank you for your opinions on this.

Dragonus is a Support & Nuker. He carries naturally, and I play him as such since he isn't a typical support and has a mid presence, the same way lina can carry.

There is a reason to get Concussive Shot, I listed it in the guide.

TP Scrolls are for ganking, not for use after ganks.
The silence is irrelevant in the early mid game, no body needs to silence someone before level 6 unless they are diving or being stupid.

By my definition, those heroes are not supports. Tide, Sven, etc. are considered supports. It gets complicated when you try to break down hybrid heroes like Sven who is a Support & Carry when someone like Skywrath also can mid so he won't always be buying wards/courier... especially if there is another support on the team. Support heroes do not require farm for them to be effective. Specifically: "Can focus less on amassing gold and items, and more on using their abilities to gain an advantage for the team.".

I appreciate the Troll, but I see you also have a guide for Skywrath and just want to attack the competition. Thank you for the negative vote, I did the same for you.

Next time I encourage you to support the community with constructive criticism and not attack someone who is trying to be more involved and make an attempt at a guide for a hero they like.

Just yesterday I went 30-10 on Skywrath in Captains Mode, so you're statement about Easy Bots is obviously just to be a ****.

Actually all of that said was 100% serious criticism, and I did downvote your guide because its got nothing going for it, it has a bad item build, bad skill build, and you provide no beneficial information. This wasn't an attack it was a hint that you should re-evaluate your guide, I upvote plenty of the guides on the site for heroes that I've made guides for, this however won't be one of them until you update it.

I'm not going to respond to any of that response because you didn't read what I said clearly, all that bloodlust because someone disagrees with you and backs it up with fact is clouding how you're interpreting this.

I'll tell you what though, I am going to report this, that will be my contribution to the community, you'll be reported for being malicious (going through and downvoting every guide I had) and boosting votes for your guide. The reason I know you're boosting votes is because you have 65 views, and 4 votes from other accounts, all positive and a response that was posted almost immediately this was published, with no feedback. This was actually listed and responded to so quickly that the guide isn't even registerable in the Skywrath guide list or the New guides feed.

Next time you play one game with a hero you've never played and do well, don't post a guide about that single game you played, try practicing and research and produce a practical guide.
Supa (3) | April 21, 2013 1:51pm
xCO2 wrote:

This isn't very well thought out.

I'll start with your item build, your items are very unproductive. Your starting items contain two Circlets, and you only use one, which builds into a Null that you probably won't build into a Dagon. You get two Ironwood Branches and don't build a Magic Wand against a lane that will more often than not have spell spamming heroes. You build a Stout on a Ranged hero, not only that but you build it on a hero that needs armor, and don't build it into anything else. The single Tango would be worth it if you were rushing a Bottle (on a hero that has easy Rune control), but you go for Tranquils. Skywrath is a hero that needs Int and Mana in general, which you have none of for what looks like the first 12 minutes of the game. With this early game, not only will you not be able to gank, but you'll also lose your lane as a hero that's supposed to be a lane bully. For your situational items a simple BKB would suffice better than a Linken's, in the event that you need the Linken's you will not be able to farm it unless you rush it and Skywrath isn't a hero who'll be the prime target in a fight. Also, Bloodstone is very counter cost inefficient for this hero, you need Int and Armor for your mid game items, not pure Mana and HP, Skywrath is notorious for having extremely low armor.

Now the skillbuild. Your build is very very lacking in mana regen and sustain, you will not be able to use your ultimate at level 6, and even if you could, you don't pick up your most aggressive and defensive skill, you wait until level 10 to level up your silence/amplifier. There is also no reason to max Concussive Shot first, none.

Even in terms of the written part this isn't very well done. You called Dragonus a carry, he's not a carry, a semi-carry maybe, but he's not a carry.

You then say TP scrolls are important after a they're not, unless you have to go back to base because you have no mana management. Then you end up under leveled because you can't return to your lane after a gank because you have no sustain.

Another mistake is saying that a silence is a late-blooming ability, in the early game a 3 second silence is all someone lives for. No carry has sufficient auto-attack damage early game, everyone relies on spells during this time.

Then this:

No, that's not what a support is, that's the definition of a caster. by your definition, Invoker/Storm Spirit/QoP are considered Supports.

I suggest you rethink your guide, and do some play testing. With the guide you provided not only would you not be able to play this competitively, you'd be struggling against easy bots. You lack any sort of presence for a hero that is supposed to be an early and midgame threat.

Thank you for your opinions on this.

Dragonus is a Support & Nuker. He carries naturally, and I play him as such since he isn't a typical support and has a mid presence, the same way lina can carry.

There is a reason to get Concussive Shot, I listed it in the guide.

TP Scrolls are for ganking, not for use after ganks.
The silence is irrelevant in the early mid game, no body needs to silence someone before level 6 unless they are diving or being stupid.

By my definition, those heroes are not supports. Tide, Sven, etc. are considered supports. It gets complicated when you try to break down hybrid heroes like Sven who is a Support & Carry when someone like Skywrath also can mid so he won't always be buying wards/courier... especially if there is another support on the team. Support heroes do not require farm for them to be effective. Specifically: "Can focus less on amassing gold and items, and more on using their abilities to gain an advantage for the team.".

I appreciate the Troll, but I see you also have a guide for Skywrath and just want to attack the competition. Thank you for the negative vote, I did the same for you.

Next time I encourage you to support the community with constructive criticism and not attack someone who is trying to be more involved and make an attempt at a guide for a hero they like.

Just yesterday I went 30-10 on Skywrath in Captains Mode, so you're statement about Easy Bots is obviously just to be a ****.
xCO2 (72) | April 21, 2013 1:21pm
This isn't very well thought out.

I'll start with your item build, your items are very unproductive. Your starting items contain two Circlets, and you only use one, which builds into a Null that you probably won't build into a Dagon. You get two Ironwood Branches and don't build a Magic Wand against a lane that will more often than not have spell spamming heroes. You build a Stout on a Ranged hero, not only that but you build it on a hero that needs armor, and don't build it into anything else. The single Tango would be worth it if you were rushing a Bottle (on a hero that has easy Rune control), but you go for Tranquils. Skywrath is a hero that needs Int and Mana in general, which you have none of for what looks like the first 12 minutes of the game. With this early game, not only will you not be able to gank, but you'll also lose your lane as a hero that's supposed to be a lane bully. For your situational items a simple BKB would suffice better than a Linken's, in the event that you need the Linken's you will not be able to farm it unless you rush it and Skywrath isn't a hero who'll be the prime target in a fight. Also, Bloodstone is very counter cost inefficient for this hero, you need Int and Armor for your mid game items, not pure Mana and HP, Skywrath is notorious for having extremely low armor.

Now the skillbuild. Your build is very very lacking in mana regen and sustain, you will not be able to use your ultimate at level 6, and even if you could, you don't pick up your most aggressive and defensive skill, you wait until level 10 to level up your silence/amplifier. There is also no reason to max Concussive Shot first, none.

Even in terms of the written part this isn't very well done. You called Dragonus a carry, he's not a carry, a semi-carry maybe, but he's not a carry.

You then say TP scrolls are important after a they're not, unless you have to go back to base because you have no mana management. Then you end up under leveled because you can't return to your lane after a gank because you have no sustain.

Another mistake is saying that a silence is a late-blooming ability, in the early game a 3 second silence is all someone lives for. No carry has sufficient auto-attack damage early game, everyone relies on spells during this time.

Then this:
Supa wrote:
To clarify, Support just means that the hero is dependent on skills more than items to be effective.

No, that's not what a support is, that's the definition of a caster. by your definition, Invoker/Storm Spirit/QoP are considered Supports.

I suggest you rethink your guide, and do some play testing. With the guide you provided not only would you not be able to play this competitively, you'd be struggling against easy bots. You lack any sort of presence for a hero that is supposed to be an early and midgame threat.
NightCross (1) | April 21, 2013 12:36pm
I'm still learning Dragonus, and this looks like a great place to start.
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