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19 Votes

Comparing Dota to LoL

August 24, 2012 by LucariStar
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goferkid | December 17, 2012 9:20pm
my buddies and I are not a fan of HoN, Dota, Dota2
and are a fan of LoL because of camera alone it is the dumbest thing on HoN and Dota and Dota2
by that I mean I took the time to research it the screen resolution on any but LoL has a maximum screen resolution of the minimum for LoL any comments on this

as a side note LoL seems as though you can zoom out more.

not that this makes a huge difference though it does affect the learning curve unneccessarily in the way of making it more difficult
rasko | September 2, 2012 7:32am
IF X game copied Y, then X would be LoL and Y would be Dota. So I don't believe the argument Dota copied LoL is valid, but LoL copied Dota is fine.

Lets bring math into this logic. Say all Champions are balanced, so let's assume all Champions have a power level of Y (Y is a stand-in for the word "balanced"). So everyone is Y, Y=Y, everyone is equal. Now, say all heroes are op, so let's assume all heroes have a power level of X (X is a stand-in for the word "OP"). So everyone is X, X=X, everyone is equal.

This gave me cancer
Colourr (1) | August 26, 2012 6:17am
In regards to,

In LoL, Champions can summon units, but they can't control them.

There are controllable Champion Summons, for example Tibber and Shaco's clone.

There sure aren't near as many as DOTA has, but there are a few.

All in all, I'd say that they are each there other games with seperate pros and cons and to each his own.
Gashizmo | July 31, 2012 3:50am
Eul was the original creator of DoTA.

Not the genre though, for anyone concerned.
LucariStar (2) | July 30, 2012 2:05pm
Lol sorry about the corki thing...

And I don't get what your implying about Eul
Atlas (117) | July 30, 2012 9:06am

DOTA 2 is much more late game focused while LoL is all about early ganks.

Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
Compressor | July 30, 2012 7:53am
LucariStar, you wrote:


There are also a bunch of mean people in Dota, not so much in LoL. I'M talking ingame here. There are not as many flamers in LoL than Dota.

I have to comment on this. The only reason I believe people are so mean in dota, at least in game, but so enthusiastic out of the game, is because everyone's gameplay is based so much on their teammates, whom they have never met in the case of a pub. A person can actually have a really bad game just because his/her teammates suck. And games can be up to an hour long or even longer, and a bad game is potentially wasting all that time for a person. I think that is the main reason why dota players can be so mean, it's because whatever you do while on their team affect them directly.
Gashizmo | July 30, 2012 6:01am

Xenasis wrote:

If you want to ignore Aeon of Strife and Karukef's Valley of Dissent, then yes, Eul (his name is Eul by the way, not "Euls") was the original creator.

All he really did was improve on Aeon of Strife and Valley of Dissent and call it Defence of the Ancients, he did NOT come up with these ideas himself, which I hope you're not implying.

Please refer to my prior post (on page 1)
Xenasis (11) | July 30, 2012 5:33am
Gashizmo wrote:

You haven't noticed my post, I guess, so I'll type it again. Euls was the initial creator of DoTA.

If you want to ignore Aeon of Strife and Karukef's Valley of Dissent, then yes, Eul (his name is Eul by the way, not "Euls") was the original creator.

All he really did was improve on Aeon of Strife and Valley of Dissent and call it Defence of the Ancients, he did NOT come up with these ideas himself, which I hope you're not implying.
Gashizmo | July 30, 2012 1:39am
You haven't noticed my post, I guess, so I'll type it again. Euls was the initial creator of DoTA.
xCO2 (72) | July 29, 2012 5:16pm
flashspyro3 wrote:

Umm... I think you got something wrong.

Corki was out before Gyro

LoL was released 2009 and Corki was one of the first champions of the League.
Gyrocopter was released July 2010 (correct me if im wrong)
Just saying.

+1 For knowing random facts.
flashspyro3 (2) | July 27, 2012 11:54am
Umm... I think you got something wrong.

Corki was out before Gyro

LoL was released 2009 and Corki was one of the first champions of the League.
Gyrocopter was released July 2010 (correct me if im wrong)
Just saying.
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