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HI! I ve really enjoyed reading your guide it is really fun and to the point. I am the worst Crystal Maiden player in the world, no doubt about it. After boots I usually go for the Armlet of Mordiggian and Mask of Madness combo, but somehow my team still loses. I really like the donkey courier, he always seems high or something. The icon of Pipe of Insight is smaller than the others and it pisse me off and you should put more wards.
All jokes aside, good guide. +1
Thanks for reading, just based on what you said I may have to make a CM joke build for a carry maiden.
HI! I ve really enjoyed reading your guide it is really fun and to the point. I am the worst Crystal Maiden player in the world, no doubt about it. After boots I usually go for the Armlet of Mordiggian and Mask of Madness combo, but somehow my team still loses. I really like the donkey courier, he always seems high or something. The icon of Pipe of Insight is smaller than the others and it pisse me off and you should put more wards.
All jokes aside, good guide. +1
I have the all the items you mentioned except for Hand of Midas. This is because it is a very greedy item, especially for a support. it is a ~2000 gold investment for some levels and a pair of wards every minute and a half. This 2K gold could be spent on something like a drums, or a mek, or a Eul's.
You could try including a build in which you skill Cystal Nova first because of different reasons. Slowing all enemies and you body-blocking can save your carry from an unexpected gank at level 1. It actually can deal more damage than Frostbite depending on the amount of enemy heroes you hit, and the slow may be much better than the stun for Juggernaut to omnislash easily.
Liked your guide, though if you don't want to talk about simple dota 2 ideas you could just link to another guide which does, as there are people who ignore many things when they start playing dota 2. I even built assault cuirass and mjollnir on crystal on my first games (yup, that's what happens on your first days and you don't want to follow a guide).
Also you should tell the ugly truth of playing support, if the game goes bad you will have barely no items, and you won't always be able to farm for many luxury items.
I have the all the items you mentioned except for Hand of Midas. This is because it is a very greedy item, especially for a support. it is a ~2000 gold investment for some levels and a pair of wards every minute and a half. This 2K gold could be spent on something like a drums, or a mek, or a Eul's.
I normally don't play supports, but I like this guide I agree with Fleet that you're sometimes a bit hard to understand at times. Also you might want to try highlighting the things that you for sure might want people to understand by the end of your guide. +1 for a good first guide.
If playing aggressively I find that Phase Boots is a viable option, I think it would be nice if you could add an item description in order to help new players.
Your pros checklist doesn't actually identify the good things about CM really in terms of actual game-play. And as for your cons list she isn't really that hard to gank with massive slows and as you said an effective stun.
Finally although some humor is good I think there is a little to much in this guide and it makes it a bit harder to make sense of sometime, sometimes 'less is more'
edit: just remembered, personally I normally forgo the iron branch in order to make my tranquil more quickly allowing you to use healing salves and such on your carry and you don't really need that stats due to your damage being mostly skill based and you have no need for stats really
I'll try phase and see how it goes. And i will add more to the pros and cons and things. Alos on the item descriptions, i meant to add that but forgot, so I will be adding that shortly as well as a friends and foes section because I forgot that as well.
If playing aggressively I find that Phase Boots is a viable option, I think it would be nice if you could add an item description in order to help new players.
Your pros checklist doesn't actually identify the good things about CM really in terms of actual game-play. And as for your cons list she isn't really that hard to gank with massive slows and as you said an effective stun.
Finally although some humor is good I think there is a little to much in this guide and it makes it a bit harder to make sense of sometime, sometimes 'less is more'
edit: just remembered, personally I normally forgo the iron branch in order to make my tranquil more quickly allowing you to use healing salves and such on your carry and you don't really need that stats due to your damage being mostly skill based and you have no need for stats really
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HI! I ve really enjoyed reading your guide it is really fun and to the point. I am the worst
All jokes aside, good guide. +1
Thanks for reading, just based on what you said I may have to make a CM joke build for a carry maiden.
All jokes aside, good guide. +1
Didn't notice
Ya I can see that, im still new to this writeing guides thing, so im not sure how to get my point across with it being a wall of text.
I have the all the items you mentioned except for
Didn't notice
Liked your guide, though if you don't want to talk about simple dota 2 ideas you could just link to another guide which does, as there are people who ignore many things when they start playing dota 2. I even built assault cuirass and mjollnir on crystal on my first games (yup, that's what happens on your first days and you don't want to follow a guide).
Also you should tell the ugly truth of playing support, if the game goes bad you will have barely no items, and you won't always be able to farm for many luxury items.
Where is the
I have the all the items you mentioned except for
A few of your image links are broken, thought I should let you know.
Ok thanks, I'll change that when I can. I thought it might be a visual error on my part, so thanks for pointing it out.
If playing aggressively I find that
Your pros checklist doesn't actually identify the good things about CM really in terms of actual game-play. And as for your cons list she isn't really that hard to gank with massive slows and as you said an effective stun.
Finally although some humor is good I think there is a little to much in this guide and it makes it a bit harder to make sense of sometime, sometimes 'less is more'
edit: just remembered, personally I normally forgo the iron branch in order to make my tranquil more quickly allowing you to use healing salves and such on your carry and you don't really need that stats due to your damage being mostly skill based and you have no need for stats really
I'll try phase and see how it goes. And i will add more to the pros and cons and things. Alos on the item descriptions, i meant to add that but forgot, so I will be adding that shortly as well as a friends and foes section because I forgot that as well.
Thx for the feed back fleet
Your pros checklist doesn't actually identify the good things about CM really in terms of actual game-play. And as for your cons list she isn't really that hard to gank with massive slows and as you said an effective stun.
Finally although some humor is good I think there is a little to much in this guide and it makes it a bit harder to make sense of sometime, sometimes 'less is more'
edit: just remembered, personally I normally forgo the iron branch in order to make my tranquil more quickly allowing you to use healing salves and such on your carry and you don't really need that stats due to your damage being mostly skill based and you have no need for stats really