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3 Votes


October 9, 2012 by Numeta
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SuperNova (16) | October 10, 2012 9:50am
Numeta wrote:

500 gold is a big delay, and I don't always wraith band on viper. I only say to in the build for less advanced players, because it's safe. Once you buy armlet, you are un-killable in lane, which is why I won't buy anything to delay it's purchase.

Well instead of me having to ask you about that why couldnt you just type it so this will actually be a 'guide' instead of a bucn of items and skills with no explanation. I know you are subtly trying to insult me with that remark on how the bands are for less advanced players, in addition armlet is mostly situational as it will not work well against guys like lifestealer and necrolyte and doom, necrolytes aura when fully upgraded only needs 30 seconds to take away 30% of your health and lifestealer loves tanky guys and dooms reworked E deals 20% of your health as dmg. All of this could have been written in this 'guide' but you're simply too lazy to.
Numeta (27) | October 10, 2012 9:31am
500 gold is a big delay, and I don't always wraith band on viper. I only say to in the build for less advanced players, because it's safe. Once you buy armlet, you are un-killable in lane, which is why I won't buy anything to delay it's purchase.
SuperNova (16) | October 10, 2012 5:11am
Buying aquila does not delay your armlet, a basilius is 500 and a wraith band is 475 so all you need is 25 gold, making an aquila boosts your damage and armor which vipers needs both also frees up a slot for more important items, if you thinks thats bad and is delaying you oh so amazing armlet then i cant or will force you to buy it.
Numeta (27) | October 9, 2012 3:09pm
Added video!
SuperNova (16) | October 9, 2012 8:03am
Whated wrote:

I build two armlets on every hero. So I can armlet, while I armlet :))

Yo dawg, i heard you like armlets so i put an armlet in yo armlet so you can use an armlet while you're usin an armlet dawg!
Whated (12) | October 8, 2012 11:55am
I build two armlets on every hero. So I can armlet, while I armlet :))
Numeta (27) | October 8, 2012 8:17am
Never need the mana regen and it delays your armlet.
SuperNova (16) | October 7, 2012 4:33am
why not make an aquila out of the wraith bands? you can always toggle it if its pushing your lane.
wilddeonpwn (102) | October 6, 2012 3:43pm
Hades4u wrote:

You build Armlet of Mordiggian on any hero?


Also hey Nume
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