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32 Votes

Clockwerk: The Flying Fortress

July 25, 2013 by HeavyRex
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DeaVul_Supreme | June 27, 2016 6:28am
and maybe power cogs can be used for escape also and not just for fights caz u can tp in ur power cogs
DeaVul_Supreme | June 24, 2016 6:31am
i think pudge can be a serious enemy caz when u put someone in ur power cogs he can hook u or his ally out and he is a fat tank with a small aoe skill so yea and huskar can also be clock's counter since he doesn't rely on "attrition" and timber saw too caz he have aoe abilities and he can just hook out of the cogs and lifestealer can slow and take ur hp so yea they r ur dangerous counters and cm might be able to help u with her long disable
greenmanCH | October 6, 2013 4:06am
Very nice guide :) But I'd say maxing battery assault first is very viable as well. Maxing cogs or rocket first is nice for the lane control, but with lvl3 battery assault at lvl6, you are able to solo kill almost every hero who cant easily get out of the cogs.
HeavyRex | July 25, 2013 4:25pm
Hutska35 wrote:

You have a Bros / Foes section and there is no bros? LOL

It's below the foes section, I arranged it that way because I figured that the foes would be more important.
Hutska35 (1) | July 4, 2013 4:02pm
You have a Bros / Foes section and there is no bros? LOL
Gaffers | May 7, 2013 12:31am
+1 for saying attrition
HeavyRex | April 2, 2013 1:57am
Krabboss wrote:

I've been messing around with Clockwerk lately and I keep running into mana problems early. Nothing too disastrous, but I feel like I need to ease up on flare harass sometimes so I have mana ready for a cogs escape.

So, annoyingly, I feel like it's sometimes necessary to grab mana boots and maybe even a Ring of Basilius (the tiny armor bonus isn't so bad for when you're in the cogs with somebody). Not the best, since obviously Phase are incredibly useful for setting up an easy cogs, but he's useless without mana.

A good guide though, except for the Vanguard recommendation like TeTSee pointed out. It just doesn't stay relevant for very long.

I also encounter mana problems early on. Usually, I save mana until I get lvl 3 flairs and then start firing it at them when necessary. If I think I can pull off a quick kill as soon as I hit level 6, I start to conserve every last bit until I have at least 250 mana. If you are roaming or mid (especially) you may want to consider a bottle before the 10 minute mark so that you can stay active for much longer than usual and try to refill the bottle with runes whenever possible.

I agree with your statement about Arcane Boots and it is completely viable to get them if you are not going to be the roaming ganker for your team and focus on a more harassing/team fighting role. I'll try to set up another build to fit this role shortly. Thanks for the feedback!
Krabboss | March 24, 2013 1:31am
I've been messing around with Clockwerk lately and I keep running into mana problems early. Nothing too disastrous, but I feel like I need to ease up on flare harass sometimes so I have mana ready for a cogs escape.

So, annoyingly, I feel like it's sometimes necessary to grab mana boots and maybe even a Ring of Basilius (the tiny armor bonus isn't so bad for when you're in the cogs with somebody). Not the best, since obviously Phase are incredibly useful for setting up an easy cogs, but he's useless without mana.

A good guide though, except for the Vanguard recommendation like TeTSee pointed out. It just doesn't stay relevant for very long.
HeavyRex | February 18, 2013 12:44am
TeTSee wrote:

This is a great guide, but I disagree with your choice of vanguard as a late-game option. it kinda dies off after ~25 minutes.

After what happened to me in recent games, I agree with this and will be striking it off the late game section. Thanks!
HeavyRex | February 17, 2013 11:53pm
bandit_king wrote:

great guide.clock is such a fun hero.
i think a bottle is good for him though since he is a roamer

Yeah, I tried that out and added it to the build. Thanks for the help!
TeTSee | February 17, 2013 10:52am
This is a great guide, but I disagree with your choice of vanguard as a late-game option. it kinda dies off after ~25 minutes. it's not a bad item, and its actually pretty good on Clockwerk, just not late game. other than that, it's well put together and I cant wait to see the finished result!

+1 from me!
bandit_king | February 16, 2013 9:02am
great guide.clock is such a fun hero.
i think a bottle is good for him though since he is a roamer
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