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All of your skills can enable you to solo kill a large amount of heroes early game. You should be doing that. Clock doesn't scale well into late game and doing anything else besides trying to find some kills is questionable. His initiation is also really not the best.
HH I like on clock since it's introduction.
Not Radiance. Radiance is a bad item on the majority of heroes. It's an item to get fairly fast and clock isn't an optimal farmer to be getting an aura item like that 20 minutes in. All it gives you is the burn which becomes less and less relevant as the game goes on and attack damage for a hero that scales VERY poorly when it comes to right click damage. At least HH has a disable and beefiness to it. Radiance has nothing but decent damage on a hero that can't even semi-carry in a competent game. BKB and MOM also are bad items for that purpose IMO.