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6 Votes

Clock's the Name, Offlane's the game (6.84)

August 14, 2015 by cpfran6
Comments: 15    |    Views: 45071    |   

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cpfran6 (3) | August 17, 2015 4:37pm
kmelkon wrote:

great guide but I just wanna point out that Skywrath Mage is a great friend of Clock's.

Hook -> cogs -> battery -> Sky's silence -> Sky's Ult.

I agree, I should have added that. FIXED
kmelkon | March 15, 2015 8:07am
great guide but I just wanna point out that Skywrath Mage is a great friend of Clock's.

Hook -> cogs -> battery -> Sky's silence -> Sky's Ult.
cpfran6 (3) | March 12, 2015 9:12pm
apaz wrote:

An excellent guide. For once, the problem isn't formatting. The formatting is quite nice. Your Item and Skill builds are near impeccable, and your reasoning is sound

Basically, one of the best guides that I have ever seen.

Thanks, I appreciate it. Currently in the middle of mid-terms, currently writing a Gameplay guide for the Offlane Clockwerk. Also finishing up Luxury item explanAtion. NS, Seer and Nyx Offlane guides To come.
cpfran6 (3) | March 12, 2015 8:57pm
LeGentleman wrote:

This guide ALMOST gets an upvote. However, i just cant condone maxing power cogs over your other skills.

Mathematically and practically, Cogs is the worst skill to have more than one point in. Dont get me wrong, the one point by itself merits an amazing skill, however in every scenario and lane imaginable having battery assault and rocket maxed will allow you to harass, kill, and farm much more safely and much more efficiently than cogs will.

For reference, mathematically Battery Assault QUADRUPLES in strength from levels 1-4, Rocket Flare TRIPLES in power and cooldown, whereas Power Cogs doesnt even double its strength in 3 of its scaling catagoeries.

Lastly i think Force Staff and Power Treads both deserve at least an honorable mention.

Other than that, its a nice guide, and if the build changes ill definetly consider upvoting it

I appreciate the feedback, and usually I would agree. However, this is Offlane Clockwerk. I don't use Treads as switching for int. Isn't worth it since Bottle stops any mana problems. The strength gain isn't necessary, you already build a LOT of strength items. I see where you come from on the Cogs, and honestly hadn't thought of that. I will likely change that, however flare still comes late. Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it.
apaz (17) | March 12, 2015 8:52pm
An excellent guide. For once, the problem isn't formatting. The formatting is quite nice. Your Item and Skill builds are near impeccable, and your reasoning is sound.

The problem comes in at this: You have an Item build, You have a Skill build, and you have an explanation of all the skills. That is all that there is to the guide.

It is already a good guide, but not a great one, because of of the lack of additional content. Which is weird, because it, quite manageably, tells everyone exactly what they need to know about a picking him up as a new hero. Basically, just perhaps make it bigger by adding new sections on other random things that you need to know, like justifications on, and when to get each of the Items that you mentioned.

Basically, one of the best guides that I have ever seen.
LeGentleman (2) | March 12, 2015 7:36pm
This guide ALMOST gets an upvote. However, i just cant condone maxing power cogs over your other skills.

Mathematically and practically, Cogs is the worst skill to have more than one point in. Dont get me wrong, the one point by itself merits an amazing skill, however in every scenario and lane imaginable having battery assault and rocket maxed will allow you to harass, kill, and farm much more safely and much more efficiently than cogs will.

For reference, mathematically Battery Assault QUADRUPLES in strength from levels 1-4, Rocket Flare TRIPLES in power and cooldown, whereas Power Cogs doesnt even double its strength in 3 of its scaling catagoeries.

Lastly i think Force Staff and Power Treads both deserve at least an honorable mention.

Other than that, its a nice guide, and if the build changes ill definetly consider upvoting it
cpfran6 (3) | March 12, 2015 3:23pm
ChiChi wrote:

I don't play Clockwerk so I can't really comment on your build choices, but for me it all seems allright here! ;)

Here's the great piece of advise people gave me when I started in Dota Fire too, to help with formatting, so you can have it all pretty and organized as you wish:


I checked it out already, but Thanks! I wanted to make sure people could read it, Walls of text are the worst thing since George bush.
ChiChi (47) | March 12, 2015 3:07pm
I don't play Clockwerk so I can't really comment on your build choices, but for me it all seems allright here! ;)

Here's the great piece of advise people gave me when I started in Dota Fire too, to help with formatting, so you can have it all pretty and organized as you wish:

cpfran6 (3) | March 12, 2015 12:17pm
caine1232 wrote:

You have abyssal in the reject and luxury parts of the guide.


Other than that put mjollnir to luxury, it's very good on clock because he takes all the dmg which allows the mjollnir active to do its work.

Good idea, will add. Thanks!
Whoops my bad, will fix right away. I was debating putting it in there.
cpfran6 (3) | March 12, 2015 12:14pm

Very good formatting and the items are good. Consider adding Arcane Boots as they help you at spamming flares without worrying about your mana much.

Thanks Man, I appreciate it. However, Arcane Boots don't stack up well once you have bottle, they both give you nearly the same amount of Mana per Minute. On top if that Clock often roams fairly early in the game, refilling it isn't much of a problem. X2 the cost for = amount of Mana, which is why I stay away from them. Phase Boots are a much better choice as it allows you to keep up to use Battery Assault for its duration. Thanks for the feedback!
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