Clinkz, The Bonefletcher. [6.87] Beginner Guide For Offlane Clinkz.
May 10, 2016
Hello! This is the build I use while playing Clinkz. I'll start of this guide by saying that Clinkz isn't the easiest hero to make an impact with for your team. It takes time to get used to his attack animation, and like any hero learning when to roam and when to stay in lane. I hope this guide is insightful for you! feel free to ask any questions, constructive criticism is always welcome! and be sure to check out my other guides Here!
Last hitting with Clinkz can be quite a challenge sometimes. He has one of the worst last hitting animations in the game, and it can be difficult to last hit with him without using Searing Arrows. Once you get a Ring of Aquila, last hitting with Clinkz becomes a lot easier. With a long cooldown try to only use Strafe while pushing towers or in solo or team fights, only use it to clear creep waves if you know you won't have to use it for a while. If you're falling behind in the laning phase, just focus on farming. Clinkz has little to no kill potential at all without any items.
Short History
At the base of the Bleeding Hills there is a large forest known as the Hoven land. The Hoven land is protected by the King-Mage Suthurex, a kind and fair ruler. Among his army was a fletcher known as Clinkz. Clinkz is a master with the bow, his skill is known by all throughout the Hoven lands. Demons invaded the Hoven lands, and Clinkz set out to hunt them all down, and he did. Clinkz had defeated all but one of the Demons, the Demon Maraxiform was the only one left and Clinkz had drove him back to the gate he had come from, Clinkz was literally fighting on the border of Hell. As Clinkz loosed his last arrow, he was consumed in hellfire and was killed instantly. Little did Clinkz know, the King had cast a powerful spell so that whoever killed Maraxiform would be granted life without end. So as Clinkz flesh was seared away the spell activated and he was granted immortality. His flesh fell to the ground but his bones stayed in place, He wasn't dead, but he also wasn't alive, he was forever immolated in Hellfire. We don't know what race Clinkz is but we can only guess that he was Human, and a small one at that, but he also has large fangs and a rack of horns coming from his head, so we don't know for sure.
Written by Namzel. April 6th.
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