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Chen for Noobs

June 4, 2015 by patrick8991
Comments: 9    |    Views: 16469    |   

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Po0r.Spirit | August 23, 2016 5:20am
well it helped me win my first game as a chen, i reckon a dagon and e blade would've helped with hp heavy heroes in the later stages, but over all good ideas.
Hamstertamer (89) | June 4, 2015 3:34pm
But at that point just play Enchantress in lane with no creeps. At leash Ench has really good lane presence and maxing Nature's Attendants almost guarantees that you win your lane.
apaz (17) | June 4, 2015 3:17pm
Probably not the best way of playing the hero, but if works if you really are that bad at microing creeps.
TheSofa (54) | June 4, 2015 2:15pm
What's the point of building Basi/Arcanes/Mek if you don't have creeps? :P
Hamstertamer (89) | June 4, 2015 6:36am
This kind of sounds like the usual troll build for Chen. It's the same skill build, except that trolls do it with a dagon since Penitence amplifies the damage xD

However, laning Chen is just not very good. Holy Persuasion is the hero's best skill, this skill is why he's picked in the first place! You can't call a build "Chen the pusher" because without creeps Chen can't push for **** :)

It's not like it's that hard to play a decent jungling Chen with creeps. You don't need to care about camp stacking or any of that stuff, and the micro isn't that complicated.

Jungling Chen for noobs :

- Go to the jungle. Get a creep.
- Farm creep camps until you're level 3
- Get 2 creeps among those : the big troll, the centaur, or the Papa Bear
(the golems and the white satyr are also decent)
- Walk around the map with your creeps and just gank people
- After you got successful ganks, start pushing towers with your creep army

That's pretty much all there is to it. To micro your creeps, use the TAB key to switch between you and your creeps.
There...was it really that hard? xD
masaaki14 (11) | June 4, 2015 5:59am
patrick8991 wrote:

I wasn't going for a really powerful way to play Chen, just a simple way that's easy to learn. At least this way, you'll make some impact and not completely suck.

grab a dagon, some intel items to boost your mp, and a veil or a e-blade. with pentinence and test of faith with dagon and e-blade/veil, you can deal a lot of burst damage.
patrick8991 | June 4, 2015 4:44am
I wasn't going for a really powerful way to play Chen, just a simple way that's easy to learn. At least this way, you'll make some impact and not completely suck.
masaaki14 (11) | June 4, 2015 4:30am
Simple way of playing chen, but ignoring what makes chen strong. Its ok for players who cannot micro and are only playing chen because of the 10 hero challenge, but this isn't the way chen should be played. If you want a high impact chen, get a dagon and go nuke people to death
I Have Layers (4) | June 4, 2015 4:11am
So basically in-lane Chen?

This doesn't really work, because Chen does not have a reliable nuke, reliable stun and a mediocre disable.

Ignoring Holy Persuasion isn't really possible, since it's the one skill that rounds out Chen. With his q on a hero, the damage you can put out with a few strong creeps attacking somebody is staggering. It really adds up. Especially if you can fully regen them every 30 seconds. Not to mention 3 Ancient creeps.

It's sort of like playing a support Troll Warlord.
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