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5 Votes

Chaos Knight, The Rampaging Knight

June 2, 2014 by FroschTheFrog
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FroschTheFrog | June 4, 2014 12:20am
KoDyAbAbA wrote:

this is a very very unnoticed trait but, the damage and the duration of Chaos Bold are inversely proportional meaning, 1 sec stun=280 damage,4 sec stun=100 damage. add that to the skills section will ya.
Manta is basically a good item because it synergies well with Phantasm since it kind of is a double manta (you can purge **** twice) and gives your enemies some guessing work to do :D

other than that nice guide +1

thanks for the comment and explanation ^^
FroschTheFrog | June 4, 2014 12:17am

Now I want to try the SnY-based Chaos Knight, +1.

Just a tip: the Manta Style isn't core in my opinion, as it's just a waste of gold versus AoE-heavy teams (especially those that focus on teamfighting): I'd rather spend my money on a Black King Bar than on a Manta most of the time, unless that are very few spells with a wide range in the enemy team. I like that you didn't put stats at level 9 (I don't really understand that) and keep the first level of Phantasm at level 10 even after the buff. Oh, and another "when to pick Chaos Knight": when your team has an Io. :D

PS: the Abyssal Blade is a bad item for CK since your illusions can proc a bash which actually doesn't bash, so for all the duration of the "pseudo-bash" the enemy can't be bashed from the real CK. I hope you understood that.

Most of you must have noticed for me, that Manta provide more illusion so when you pulls the target, it will be surrounded by Chaos Knights. It isn't a solid core, since like you said, the enemy maybe has a large aoe stun. It is preferable if you want to buy it or not. For the abyssal thing, this is a new thing for me and maybe, readers. Thx btw for the comment
KoDyAbAbA (65) | June 3, 2014 8:26am
this is a very very unnoticed trait but, the damage and the duration of Chaos Bold are inversely proportional meaning, 1 sec stun=280 damage,4 sec stun=100 damage. add that to the skills section will ya.
Manta is basically a good item because it synergies well with Phantasm since it kind of is a double manta (you can purge **** twice) and gives your enemies some guessing work to do :D

other than that nice guide +1
Boopony | June 3, 2014 6:51am
Very nice guide :D Going to try the SnY build now. Thanks man
Illumination0110 (2) | June 3, 2014 5:27am

Now I want to try the SnY-based Chaos Knight, +1.

Just a tip: the Manta Style isn't core in my opinion, as it's just a waste of gold versus AoE-heavy teams (especially those that focus on teamfighting): I'd rather spend my money on a Black King Bar than on a Manta most of the time, unless that are very few spells with a wide range in the enemy team. I like that you didn't put stats at level 9 (I don't really understand that) and keep the first level of Phantasm at level 10 even after the buff. Oh, and another "when to pick Chaos Knight": when your team has an Io. :D

PS: the Abyssal Blade is a bad item for CK since your illusions can proc a bash which actually doesn't bash, so for all the duration of the "pseudo-bash" the enemy can't be bashed from the real CK. I hope you understood that.

What about that active Overwhelm ability Pep ? I think that could be game-breaking, 2 second BKB-ignoring disable, not a bad deal at all. My currently on-working Chaos Knight guide does list it as Situational items.

Nice guide btw ! +1 :D
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | June 3, 2014 4:10am
Now I want to try the SnY-based Chaos Knight, +1.

Just a tip: the Manta Style isn't core in my opinion, as it's just a waste of gold versus AoE-heavy teams (especially those that focus on teamfighting): I'd rather spend my money on a Black King Bar than on a Manta most of the time, unless that are very few spells with a wide range in the enemy team. I like that you didn't put stats at level 9 (I don't really understand that) and keep the first level of Phantasm at level 10 even after the buff. Oh, and another "when to pick Chaos Knight": when your team has an Io. :D

PS: the Abyssal Blade is a bad item for CK since your illusions can proc a bash which actually doesn't bash, so for all the duration of the "pseudo-bash" the enemy can't be bashed from the real CK. I hope you understood that.
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