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4 Votes

Chaos Knight - May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favour

June 14, 2012 by Fuppy
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pinksock#250202 | July 3, 2012 3:31am
every good guide should have manta style under late game core...

mirror image barrage.. besides that, you really put in helm of dominator and satanic under situational? It's one or the other

unique modifiers ...
HamSandwich (34) | June 16, 2012 10:07am

Why not vlads?
Synergises with your illusions

Holy ****, you're dumb.
Fuppy | June 16, 2012 12:27am

Why not vlads?
Synergises with your illusions

Also not entirely sure skipping ult is a good idea but I see the logic in it I think.
Too unsure to +1 or not, I'll give this build a try before doing anything...

Vlads is possible on Chaos knight if you want even more lifesteal or other unique atk modifiers because its an aura and it stacks with lifesteals. However considering the other unique atk modifiers useful on chaos knight, desolator, for its -armour, is like the only other modifier you would want on chaos, skadi wouldnt help, orb of venom, lol wut, therefore if you'd be going for vlads, your combo would be vlads and deso. OR would it be better with a satanic and an assault cuirass, where you get Unholy Rage, more attack speed and a negative armour aura?
Xenasis (11) | June 15, 2012 10:27am

Why not vlads?
Synergises with your illusions

Also not entirely sure skipping ult is a good idea but I see the logic in it I think.
Too unsure to +1 or not, I'll give this build a try before doing anything...

Actually, Vlad's does not affect illusions whatsoever. That's why you don't ever see it on PL.
Xajora (3) | June 15, 2012 2:12am
Why not vlads?
Synergises with your illusions

Also not entirely sure skipping ult is a good idea but I see the logic in it I think.
Too unsure to +1 or not, I'll give this build a try before doing anything...
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