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2 Votes

Chaos Knight - Feel The Wrath!!

December 14, 2012 by DANNY.HERC
Comments: 5    |    Views: 19939    |   

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xCO2 (72) | December 15, 2012 11:56am
Nubtrain wrote:

Build is ok but can you add more information regarding items and weaknesses? Do you know any tips and tricks, etc. In a way you're just repeating an item description into your guide, get what I'm saying?

Ofc Heart gives more strength and hp so it's obviously good for CK but what's the other reason to get Heart or any of the situational items, cover why you went for that skill-build or talk about gameplay mechanics, etc

Guide needs more work other than providing basic information that people can find out just by hovering over the icons if you used bbcoding

I'm thinking the opposite here, don't drag on your guide with WHY to get items, use the space you have to explain how to use them, but he is right about the majority of your guide being easily accessible information.
Nubtrain (58) | December 15, 2012 11:52am
Build is ok but can you add more information regarding items and weaknesses? Do you know any tips and tricks, etc. In a way you're just repeating an item description into your guide, get what I'm saying?

Ofc Heart gives more strength and hp so it's obviously good for CK but what's the other reason to get Heart or any of the situational items, cover why you went for that skill-build or talk about gameplay mechanics, etc

Guide needs more work other than providing basic information that people can find out just by hovering over the icons if you used bbcoding
SuperNova (16) | December 15, 2012 3:26am
why random khornate knight? this aint 40k.
DANNY.HERC | December 15, 2012 1:21am
Thanks for the tips..:)
I''ll keep that in mind.
xCO2 (72) | December 15, 2012 12:42am
Interesting, not how I'd play him, but it seems viable. But the first thing you should state in a guide is, where are you going? Suicide lane, Safe lane, or Mid? From what I see here, it looks like you're going mid.

Item build, while odd for most CK users is actually pretty smart, what I would recommend for changes would be to have your MKB to be situational, paired with HoT. MKB should really only be picked up against heroes with a dodge ability, like PA. As an alternative I would recommend a Skull Basher and Heaven's Halberd combination, which will provide you a more common survivablity and stun combination.

Guide-wise, I would minimize your skill break down. Half your guide consists of information the users can just hover over in the skill build and read themselves, as well as item descriptions. While it is nice to know why you're buying them, I personally don't like to ramble on about why they should buy it, if someone wants to use your item build they will, if they don't then you probably won't be able to persuade them. You should focus more on how to lane and write a section on how to harass and deal with harassment, along with who to focus in a team fighting situation.
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