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5 Votes

Chaos Knight Alt-Tab Guide

August 27, 2012 by barnaby
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Storcy | March 2, 2013 6:44am
IPwndU wrote:

I like your item build and your skill order, but I just want to say it is a terrible mistake in my opinion (and not only mine) to not build a Bottle on such a strong ganker like Chaos Knight. You are not even getting clarities (which are pretty bad on him I acknowledge), actually I don't really know how you can play him properly without mana regeneration (Int Treads & Drum are not enough, you really need a bottle if you do not want to be useless after casting 3 spells at early game stage during a gank, or even bottle a rune if you want a successfully completed gank).

Anyway, decent Alt+Tab guide, you have a little +1 from me :<

PS: You can add Diffusal Blade to "Situational", many CK players love to build it with a Manta Style, it is a different playstyle which can work pretty well in some cases... even if I hate it =.=

I usually go with soul ring instead of that overrated wand. That's all the mana you need for him. The diffusal blade build is more effective than you realize. Especially if you are going against low mana heroes like Leoric.
barnaby | August 30, 2012 8:34am
wilddeonpwn wrote:

+1 for nice ALT TAB guide, and to IPwndU Diffusal wouldn't be a good item IMO, you'd rather spend money on something else, like you said manta style for a lot of damage.
Nice build good thing you put the ult at lvl9, some people get it at lvl 10, but it still works, great job

Chaos knights ult is very good sustain skill. *recommand fast learn*
barnaby | August 30, 2012 8:32am
IPwndU wrote:

This is right, I know getting a Diffusal is a pretty bad idea since it does not give any strength, but during my "Chaos Knight test phase" (before he became my main hero =<) I read lots of item builds / forums and see that some players like to burn enemies mana by gathering CK + 5 illusions (7 if rune) with a Reality Rift.
I completely agree with you when you say "you'd rather spend money on something else" btw ! I would rather let this item to Riki / Magina / Naga Siren / Phantom Lancer...

yea. chaos knight is YASHA better than diffusal blades.
barnaby | August 30, 2012 8:30am
IPwndU wrote:

I like your item build and your skill order, but I just want to say it is a terrible mistake in my opinion (and not only mine) to not build a Bottle on such a strong ganker like Chaos Knight. You are not even getting clarities (which are pretty bad on him I acknowledge), actually I don't really know how you can play him properly without mana regeneration (Int Treads & Drum are not enough, you really need a bottle if you do not want to be useless after casting 3 spells at early game stage during a gank, or even bottle a rune if you want a successfully completed gank).

Anyway, decent Alt+Tab guide, you have a little +1 from me :<

PS: You can add Diffusal Blade to "Situational", many CK players love to build it with a Manta Style, it is a different playstyle which can work pretty well in some cases... even if I hate it =.=

Chaos Knights is carry. not going gank, but very good gank response.
IPwndU (1) | August 28, 2012 2:29pm
This is right, I know getting a Diffusal is a pretty bad idea since it does not give any strength, but during my "Chaos Knight test phase" (before he became my main hero =<) I read lots of item builds / forums and see that some players like to burn enemies mana by gathering CK + 5 illusions (7 if rune) with a Reality Rift.
I completely agree with you when you say "you'd rather spend money on something else" btw ! I would rather let this item to Riki / Magina / Naga Siren / Phantom Lancer...
wilddeonpwn (102) | August 28, 2012 2:35am
+1 for nice ALT TAB guide, and to IPwndU Diffusal wouldn't be a good item IMO, you'd rather spend money on something else, like you said manta style for a lot of damage.
Nice build good thing you put the ult at lvl9, some people get it at lvl 10, but it still works, great job
IPwndU (1) | August 28, 2012 1:55am
I like your item build and your skill order, but I just want to say it is a terrible mistake in my opinion (and not only mine) to not build a Bottle on such a strong ganker like Chaos Knight. You are not even getting clarities (which are pretty bad on him I acknowledge), actually I don't really know how you can play him properly without mana regeneration (Int Treads & Drum are not enough, you really need a bottle if you do not want to be useless after casting 3 spells at early game stage during a gank, or even bottle a rune if you want a successfully completed gank).

Anyway, decent Alt+Tab guide, you have a little +1 from me :<

PS: You can add Diffusal Blade to "Situational", many CK players love to build it with a Manta Style, it is a different playstyle which can work pretty well in some cases... even if I hate it =.=
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