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10 Votes

Chainsaw Massacare- Updated 19/04/2013

April 19, 2013 by Blazing_fury
Comments: 12    |    Views: 29134    |   

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bullfr0g | April 21, 2013 2:02am
I really don't like guides like this which have a pretty much randomly splashed in skill build. You say you like maxing this skill first and that one second and so on but you don't actually max anything you just level up all of your skills together. Only the first three or so levels of your skill build are explained proparly. And skilling like that is a really bad mistake on almost any hero. I also don't really agrea with your item build, blademail as a core item isn't really needed cause enemies will always have a choise of not focusing you. Im sorry but overall this guide does not deserve an upvote in my opinion.
El Capitano (1) | April 19, 2013 6:39am
also why do you build blademail and vanguard when you have your passive 3rd ability? vanguard is one of the biggest wastes of money in game you may aswell build a mech as it gives you much more stats and also can help your team with the instant heal, you may aswell go an extra 750 and get a soul booster which will build into a bloodstone in no time bloodstone for me should be essential for timber as he will roll out of control and dominate the game with one. when i play timber i rush mana boots then build soul booster splitting the mana boots so i can use the orb to make the soul booster then turn the boots into phase boots for even more chasing power
tracc (3) | April 19, 2013 6:30am
IMO you should never build vanguard in the mid to late game because it totally loses its effectiveness. either you rush it od you dont build it. Rather keep the stout shield and go
arcane -> Preseverance -> Point + Vit booster -> disassemble arcane = Bloodstone -> boots of travel

With theese items you have enough mana regen are mobile (IMO all boots except arcane and bot are wasted on timber because he cant utilize what they give)
After Bloodstone and bot you can stack armor and health, maybe even get the cripple-scepter (its so sadly underused) or turn to team auras (drums, vlads, pipe, ...)

What i dont like is if guides say "... by now you should have 4 kills..." or something like it. I would rather like to see a way to be usefull if my game is ****ty (laning against nyx/venge or jugg/shaman) How can i help my team best in those situations.

Anyway i have never been a good timber player, i always miss the trees i want to hit so you might as well ignore my comment :)
lancer611 (3) | March 5, 2013 6:57am
My main problem with your build is that you have no mana regen. Timbersaws main strength is that his cooldowns are SOOO low, and you can't take advantage of it with your build. Also, you should remove Satanic from the luxuries list. You should be using Chakram as much as possible, so lifesteal is completely wasted on Timbersaw.
Blazing_fury | January 15, 2013 6:14am
Bloodstone Sounds good but it depends on the amount of farm and kills you are getting. As the items that are required to buy/finish the bloodstone are costly.
Noobovich | January 13, 2013 3:18am
I am still playing using the same build, but I found that starting with Blood Stone after vanguard is more useful, helps with the mana tbh, what do you think of that?
Blazing_fury | January 7, 2013 4:16pm
Noobovich | January 7, 2013 9:39am
I just wanted to say that this is the best build for Timber out there. I have tried the rest and found this one the most effective.
Blazing_fury | December 22, 2012 3:21pm
Woot 1000 Views :D
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