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2 Votes

CFC's QoP Semi-Carry Mid Destruction Build

June 12, 2013 by CFC Kyle
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CFC Kyle | June 12, 2013 11:19am
Sando wrote:

Don't really see the advantage of Scream of Pain at level 2 - dam/mana is poor at this point anyway, so you may as well get Blink, then scream at 3+4+5 where you might actually start using it...

I always take it at level 2 because I sometimes mess up my auto attacks so the Scream of Pain is sort of like a cushion that I can fall back on to last hit.
CFC Kyle | June 12, 2013 11:18am
mnoi wrote:

I can understand taking shadow strike at level 1, but not getting blink until level 3 sounds like a very poor choice, not only for lack of rune control, but also for being unable to dodge stuns.

When I play QoP I'm usually level 3 or close to it by the time the rune spawns so I can skill it on the way which is why I recommended taking it at level 3.
CFC Kyle | June 12, 2013 11:17am
Bladerail wrote:

You could use the square brackets to make Dotafire hyperlinks, otherwise the text looks fairly plain. I don't mind reading plain text, but it might not be as appealing to others. For example,
[[Scream of Pain]]
would produce Scream of Pain

Thanks, I changed it. I didn't know I could make it look pretty like that :D
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | June 11, 2013 4:11pm
Sando wrote:

Don't really see the advantage of Scream of Pain at level 2 - dam/mana is poor at this point anyway, so you may as well get Blink, then scream at 3+4+5 where you might actually start using it...

Lane control for runes, usually. Getting multiple last hits with AOE damage.
Sando (118) | June 10, 2013 11:52am
Don't really see the advantage of Scream of Pain at level 2 - dam/mana is poor at this point anyway, so you may as well get Blink, then scream at 3+4+5 where you might actually start using it...
Wisdomseyes1 (8) | June 10, 2013 10:55am
mnoi wrote:

I can understand taking shadow strike at level 1, but not getting blink until level 3 sounds like a very poor choice, not only for lack of rune control, but also for being unable to dodge stuns.

Magnus, Dragon Knight, Puck, Batrider, Templar Assassin, Tinker, Zues, Pudge, Silencer, Dazzle and long ago Shadow Shaman, Lion, and Ancient Apparition

Of these, the heroes with stuns or slows really just don't exist. You will almost never see lion or rhasta in games anymore, and when you do you won't see them in mid, often. Dragoon Knight has a stun as well, but being melee and you having Shadow Strike. with a stun of that range, is hard to imagine getting caught out. (leaving queen of pain out of the list for obvious reasons)

The mids themselves don't usually have stuns, so it is level 1 ganks that you would need to worry about, at which time you look at the team composition and judge from there whether it is possible or likely.
mnoi (2) | June 9, 2013 2:01pm
I can understand taking shadow strike at level 1, but not getting blink until level 3 sounds like a very poor choice, not only for lack of rune control, but also for being unable to dodge stuns.
Bladerail (1) | June 8, 2013 9:36pm
You could use the square brackets to make Dotafire hyperlinks, otherwise the text looks fairly plain. I don't mind reading plain text, but it might not be as appealing to others. For example,
[[Scream of Pain]]
would produce Scream of Pain
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