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CCq's Guide to Nature's Prophet 6.81

August 21, 2014 by ccqdota1992
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NealZa | September 24, 2014 9:25am
well well i am doing the hero challenge and i did try this guide for the game, i read it for 10 minutes and felt ready for a luxury prophet.

Things didnt went very well, at 00.00 i cast but the tress get stuck in the forest...
no one noticed in my team so i continu to the first camp and start farming.

at 7 minutes got midas and ganked huskar coming back from a fight.

things got better when my team actually understood that i was a piece of noob and accepted that i would just come help when i could, didn't feed so, i got things going for me which is nice.

Game won thanks to a good team indian i am not sure...

we got SA Void Silencer and omni. very nice guide, i would need 2 more games to be faster
Tigerre (4) | August 24, 2014 9:46pm
In higher skill brackets you should probably get stats over Sprout, as goo players will get Force Staff or something else to break the trees. Making Sprout almost entirely useless :D

I proved this in a game I played a while back, in the newb bracket, in which I was one of dem pros who are forced to play in low MMR brackets, I kept Quelling Blade for the majority of the game, until I needed that extra slot for those Healing Salves that you need when fountain camping :D
Tigerre (4) | August 24, 2014 9:41pm
Nature's Prophet is a very versatile hero capable playing from position 1-5 (not recommended to be position 1) all in the one hero. NP has a constant map presence, that forces the enemy to think about what their next move is a lot more often than usual.

Why is position 1 Nature's Prophet not recommended? One of the pro teams run Nature's Prophet as the position 1 in the safe-lane, as Nature's Prophet you generally want to be positions 1-3 as they've got the most farm, and Nature's Prophet sorta needs farm.......................

He can be played as an effective position 4-5 though :D (I'd only do it in a 5-carry lineup...)
Tigerre (4) | August 24, 2014 9:37pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

dagon 5 is literally the worst item in the game. Upgrading Dagon past level 1 only makes sense on heroes who absolutely need burst and are ready to pay 5K gold for just 400 burst damage on top of Dagon 1 and nothing more. Why would you waste 5K gold on a dagon 5 if you can buy a full necro 3 for that price?

#EverHeardOfDPS Nature's Prophet?

Ethereal Blade+Dagon 5=Where'd you go? I thought we were going to 1v1.

I don't often get Dagon on Nature's Prophet, as I always rush my Power Treads and Maelstrom then Necronomicon 3 (Maybe Shadow Blade if my team is behind, or I'm getting focused, and in ranked games, I'll get Blink Dagger+ Eul's Scepter of Divinity for my escape mechanism....

Hand of Midas is the sort of item you'd get if you plan to go late-game, getting early-game or mid-game items is better the majority of the time, if going Hand of Midas getting something like Orchid Malevolence for late-game potential damage is really good :D
Tigerre (4) | August 24, 2014 9:37pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

dagon 5 is literally the worst item in the game. Upgrading Dagon past level 1 only makes sense on heroes who absolutely need burst and are ready to pay 5K gold for just 400 burst damage on top of Dagon 1 and nothing more. Why would you waste 5K gold on a dagon 5 if you can buy a full necro 3 for that price?

#EverHeardOfDPS Nature's Prophet?

Ethereal Blade+Dagon 5=Where'd you go? I thought we were going to 1v1.

I don't often get Dagon on Nature's Prophet, as I always rush my Power Treads and Maelstrom then Necronomicon 3 (Maybe Shadow Blade if my team is behind, or I'm getting focused, and in ranked games, I'll get Blink Dagger+ Eul's Scepter of Divinity for my escape mechanism....

Hand of Midas is the sort of item you'd get if you plan to go late-game, getting early-game or mid-game items is better the majority of the time, if going Hand of Midas getting something like Orchid Malevolence for late-game potential damage is really good :D
Hamstertamer (89) | August 22, 2014 4:06am
Personally I always went for Midas rush build with Gloves of Haste + 2 Clarity, sent a 3rd clarity to me with the courier as soon as I had 50 gold (so very quickly ^^), and then could farm jungle until I get 5-min Hand of Midas. Always worked for me ; Even though ganking is always a priority for me over getting fast Midas.
ccqdota1992 | August 21, 2014 8:40pm
Tigerre wrote:

You shouldn't spawn Treants until the 0:11 second mark, as then you can buy a third Clarity and then you'll be able to jungle for longer, and help your team in ganks as well, it makes them almost useless otherwise.


Thanks for the input, but wouldnt it be more efficient to just send a clarity out on the courier? No one will be using it for the first min or two of the game. Seems a bit pointless to waste 20 seconds in order to get a 3rd clarity when you can just use the courier.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 21, 2014 2:26am
dagon 5 is literally the worst item in the game. Upgrading Dagon past level 1 only makes sense on heroes who absolutely need burst and are ready to pay 5K gold for just 400 burst damage on top of Dagon 1 and nothing more. Why would you waste 5K gold on a dagon 5 if you can buy a full necro 3 for that price?
Tigerre (4) | August 21, 2014 2:24am
You shouldn't spawn Treants until the 0:11 second mark, as then you can buy a third Clarity and then you'll be able to jungle for longer, and help your team in ganks as well, it makes them almost useless otherwise.


Tigerre (4) | August 21, 2014 2:21am
Hamstertamer wrote:

dagon is the alternative to Hand of Midas as a FIRST item if you want to gank a lot.

Your very first item should be Midas if you want to farm creeps, or Dagon if you want to farm heroes. It's either 5-minute Midas or ~7-minute Dagon + boots.

Never upgrade your Dagon past level 1. Really treat it as a Midas that works on heroes instead of creeps :)

Nah. Read my Nature's Prophet build as I've said in that to upgrade it past lvl 1. It all depends on the situation, if you want to keep it for the majority of the game then you NEED to upgrade it to lvl 5, or else it's just so ****ing **** it's not even close to funny.
Hamstertamer (89) | August 21, 2014 2:16am
dagon is the alternative to Hand of Midas as a FIRST item if you want to gank a lot. Getting both is a terrible idea.

Your very first item should be Midas if you want to farm creeps, or Dagon if you want to farm heroes. It's either 5-minute Midas or ~7-minute Dagon + boots.

Never upgrade your Dagon past level 1. Really treat it as a Midas that works on heroes instead of creeps :)
Tigerre (4) | August 21, 2014 2:14am
Good guide overall, I don't really agree with rushing Hand of Midas though, I have a 0% winrate when using this build, and probs like a 25% winrate when I get Hand of Midas in general (Not your build in particular, just Hand of Midas rush build). Getting Hand of Midas is okay generally, but I would say getting a Maelstrom by 10 mins with Power Treads and almost Necronomicon 1 is much better than Midas+maybe Power Treads. Just my personal preference...

Dagon is really good on Nature's Prophet as you have Teleportation and can quickly teleport in, Dagon that bastard to death then escape with dem Boots of Travel that you got for split pushing while also (Attempting to) mimicking that Tinker that's on the other team :D

For Blink Dagger getting a Eul's Scepter of Divinity can really help if there's loads of AoE stuns on the other team, as if there is it absolutely counters your Shadow Blade, and besides, who doesn't like making themselves go swirly-swirly in a cyclone?
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