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░▒▓ Cascade Morphling ▓▒░ 7/9/14

July 9, 2014 by cl0ck
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DotA2 Hero: Morphling

Hero Skills

Accumulation (Innate)


2 4 5 7

Adaptive Strike (Agility)

10 12 13 14

Adaptive Strike (Strength)

10 12 13 14

Attribute Shift (Agility)

1 3 6 9

Attribute Shift (Strength)

1 3 6 9


8 11 16


15 17 18

░▒▓ Cascade Morphling ▓▒░ 7/9/14

July 9, 2014


Welcome! I assure you this guide will be quick and painless. Continue reading this introduction for brief tips on how to get the most out of this guide.
keep this guide open while you play/print it out
Morphling has 5 abilities. Make sure your hot-keys are configured properly. (I use MMO)
When adding skill-points to Morph Agility Gain or Morph Strength Gain, remember, it does not matter which one you give the point to, they will both receive it.


Starting Items:
Tango - Used to keep Morphling in his lane when being harassed.
Slippers of Agility - Used later for a Wreath Band(Early Game).
Circlet - Used later for a Wreath Band(Early Game).
Gauntlets of Strength - Will give a small heath boost early in the game. This is needed in order to survive by the play-style described below.
Early Game:
Wraith Band - Provides decent stats early game.
Boots of Speed - Morphling is on the sluggish side early on. Boots will aid early on when going for last hits, dodging abilities, or escaping. Later on you may upgrade to Power Treads in you so choose. However, I prefer to get my Yasha as fast as possible.
Ring of Aquila - Perfect for giving stats to your lane buddy, as well as giving a much needed mana regeneration bonus to yourself. Remember to enable/disable when you want creeps to push a lane or visa-versa.
Mid Game:
Perseverance - Excellent choice for Morphling. With this you can almost spam your abilities, making you much more durable in lane.
Linken's Sphere
- In my opinion, the best part about this item is the passive, not the stats. So many times, I will find myself the victim of an ambush, but the Linken's Sphere, will give me that split second notice that someone tried to stun me ect. I recommend purchasing this item before power treads.
Power Treads - Just like morphling's morph gain, power treads work the same way. Either providing extra attack power, or health when your in trouble. I usually purchase this item after I get my yasha.
Late Game:
Ethereal Blade - Late game if I am not doing so well, I will get this item, to help me kill, or avoid getting killed.
Manta Style - Great for split pushing or knocking down towers solo. I purchase this item whenever my team is ahead or needs me to push out lanes.
Town Teleport Scroll - Teleport when needed. Useful when pushing, or defending.
Butterfly - Don't use it much. However, in some situations, it may be an ideal item. Maybe when the other team is loaded on Black King Bars or magic defense.
Satanic - Low on health? This is the way to go.
Black King Bar - Burger King Bar. Use wisely.

Combat and Laning

First rule of morphling, no hard lane. This means, on radiant, you will be on the bottom lane. If dire, top lane. Morphling is very item dependent and needs last hits constantly in the early game. Supports with high range, and either a stun or slow work well with morphling. I provided some videos below in order to display how you can use morphling's skills.

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