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8 Votes

Carrying Your Team(s Wards): How To Support

July 22, 2013 by thippo
Comments: 13    |    Views: 31844    |   

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thippo (10) | August 12, 2013 4:52pm
Sinthri wrote:

What about Crystal Maiden?

Edit has found her after three times reading. Nice Guide.

Sorry, the formatting is indeed not that good. Looks like the list tag doesn't really do anything.
BLEHnifty | August 12, 2013 4:07am
Nice guide +1
I've got a few friends who could benefit greatly from reading this (;一_一)
Sinthri | August 12, 2013 12:04am
What about Crystal Maiden?

Edit has found her after three times reading. Nice Guide.
C0L0NEL999 (1) | July 28, 2013 5:06pm
Nice guide.

I think you must mention disassembling and switching between Arcane Boots and Tranquil Boots, use the active ability of one of them, then switch to the other one for its active ability. It's a very useful thing to do until you get some items to solve one of these items, so you can sell the components of the other boots, or combine these components to make other items.
I have used this method many times, and I can guarantee you it's VERY USEFUL!
thippo (10) | July 28, 2013 2:40pm
Thanks! I play supports and offlaners almost exclusively and I enjoy writing and am a huge dota nerd, but it may be a week or two before I'll publish it. Thanks for the feedback!
HeavyRex | July 28, 2013 8:30am
Love the guide, I play supports often but I enjoy offlaners the most so I can't wait for the offlaner guide!
PepeuSlayer | July 25, 2013 3:11pm
Nice guide! I'm learning how to be a good support, and this guide helped me a lot!
thippo (10) | July 25, 2013 1:51pm
He doesn't have a ton of early game kill potential, at least no more so than the other defensive carries, and he relies on safe farm more than early kills.

My case for Defensive v Offensive carries was if they can contribute heavily to an early gank, how much farm they need before they can be effective, and how much babysitting and freefarm can help them as opposed to ganks coming from their support.
Yoda (9) | July 25, 2013 12:23pm
When did Weaver become defensive carry?
thippo (10) | July 22, 2013 1:16pm
dynasty987 wrote:

Just a note about matching defensive with defensive etc. Keeper of the Light and an offensive carry who can spam mana intensive spells (think Phantom Lancer, Tiny, Chaos Knight is very strong.

I considered that but never really mentioned it. I'll put a note in. Thanks!
SkyStormSpectre (22) | July 22, 2013 6:54am
Nice guide.

Although Slark can carry, I consider him a much better ganker.
dynasty987 (6) | July 22, 2013 3:00am
Just a note about matching defensive with defensive etc. Keeper of the Light and an offensive carry who can spam mana intensive spells (think Phantom Lancer, Tiny, Chaos Knight is very strong.
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