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Carry Wraith Build

March 23, 2014 by dbrinson98
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Carry Wraith Build

DotA2 Hero: Wraith King

Hero Skills

Vampiric Spirit (Innate)

Wraithfire Blast

1 4 9 12

Mortal Strike

3 8 13 14


6 11 15


16 17 18

Carry Wraith Build

March 23, 2014

Chapter Title

This is a carry Wraith Build. I have done this build with him in a ganking/jungle like thing when my team didn't work out lanes right and I still owned with it. I've done this build every game with him and my all time KDA with Wraith King is just under 7. You start off with some regen and a stout shield and the beginning of your wand. From here, I recommend having a support with some sort of lockdown, CM being my personal favorite and Wind Ranger also works. Get as many last hits as possible, and with a hero like cm, as soon as she hits level 2 you should be able to get early kills. It's these early kills that usually help me snowball into games like my 21/0/21 game or my 20/0/10 or 17/6/20 (and many other huge games). It's these kills that help you grab early treads that I like for the little mana regen for once I get my ulti so I can have multiple stuns and mana for the ulti. It's from here that you build your armlet. usually, i start jungling only when I get my armlet because Wraith doesn't have the appropriate attack speed to. However, if you get enough points into his passive lifesteal early, you should have no problem jungling pre-armlet. It is actually because of his reliable stun and built in vlads and crit that he is often played support in pro games. Moving on, once you have your armlet, you jungle your heart non stop. Only go into fights when you have your ulti or you feel you have a good chance to get kills. Beware your armlet however, because constant toggling will result in low health in fights. However, his ulti makes him perfect for such a item. So as you rack up last hits with your armlet, build your heart. Once you have your heart, you can leave armlet on all the time and you will no longer have health problems. Now, health is no longer an issue and you can now team fight and gank effectively, while also farming in between. Next, I go Shadow Blade and I have to say, as long as you don't have a Bounty or Slardar hero on the opposing team, this item is fantastic on Wraith. Since the no mana buff on the Blink dagger, many people started going blink on wraith, but Shadow blade allows you to overdive and gank with escape. It's this escape that helps me get these games with no deaths. And once you have your shadow blade, you can go any late game damage item you wish, mainly the ones in my purchase order number 4. I usually build monkey king bar, or if i build a black king bar I usually go desolator. It's from here, where you depending on the amount of stomping your team is doing, I go rest rapiers. But you ahve to be really farmed to do this.

Plz comment and tell me if this build helped you or if you have a better one. Check my dota buff dbrinson98 if you dont believe how effective this build is.

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