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Carry Lina (Guide how to make russians cry)

December 19, 2014 by Shynt
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Carry Lina

DotA2 Hero: Lina

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Carry Lina (Guide how to make russians cry)

December 19, 2014


Welcome Stranger!

A hear a lot of people even my own friends that Lina is a "support". Well...I have seen Lina supports but they were kinda just snack for the enemy carrys or was too weak to make significant damage and they used their ulti to ks.

But...after all my friends saw how I play with Lina they confirmed, that I had right. Lina is one of the strongest intelligent heros who can kill nearly anybody in every part of the game. She has an ultimate power to...wait...everyone has ultimate power...never mind:P I'm gonna show you have to decimate your enemies!

First of all! A few standard rules!
1. Never pick Lina if: Your team doesn't have at least two hero's who will dive in teamfights. You will have to be in the background to unleash your fury. You are kinda soft so you will get killed if they start to attack you. After early game never go alone!
2. This is an offensive build. You don't buy the courier if there are any supports, you take the rune at start 'cause you are the carry, you go to mid if possible (if there is an other mid hero like sniper or pudge going to other lane is not a problem, mid is just better, but not required.)
3. And the most important: DON'T...BE...STUPID! You have to play really offensive, but you can't go into the very face of the enemy. A stun is usually to death, you are soft. You also can't spam your abilities until you have the bloodstone.
4. You need ganks. You have to gank in the early game. This is the most difficult part. If you **** it up and you die, than this whole guide can land in the dustbin. You have to play safe to don't die easily but you need ganks. Solution? WATCH OUT! Be smart! You have does key moments when you can cast a "Q" on the enemys without danger.

Pros / Cons

- Phantom Assassin (She's dodge worth nothing against you, and beside that she is quite soft.)
- Phantom Lancer ("Q" to illusions, "W" for determine which one is the real, ULTI into his face. MAGIC!)
- Sniper (Sniper is really dangerous at first, and you will not be able to gank him without help, dont even try it. But in late ambush with "W" then an ULTI...i already be sorry...)
- Riki (If you can reveal him he is not a problem. Don't be mingy with sentry wards. It worth the price.)
- Nearly any hero uses illusions (because "Q" is fun), EXCEPT! Chaos Knight. Chaos Knight's illusions are too strong and if he use a rift an you...DEAD...
- Every hero with low HP (most Int heros, they make a good snack with your ULTI)

- Clockwerk (That pile of garbage make you cry after early game with his ULTI. Thanksfully that hero is not very popular...)
- Chaos Knight (I said so.)
- Slark
- Anti-Mage
- Axe (that ****ing blink)
- Spirit Breaker (Can gank you in the middle of your mates and escape, I really really hate him)
- Vengeful Spirit (Swap=DIE)
- The though strength guys sometimes make some trouble, but they don't like your "Q" either. Anyways always keep your distance and call for help.

Team Work

- Centaur Warrunner (He sacrafices a lots of hp to make damage. So cute. After a move like this no enemy can survive an ULTI.)
- Enigma (Who doesn't like Enigma?)
- Shadow Demon (If he is good, he can put you in and out of though situations and the enemy. If you are skillful you can time your "W".)
- Omniknight or Dazzle (They can heal you up immediately, so you can be more courageous in early game to get kills, they will hold your beautiful *** together.
- Earthshaker (a good stun is a good stun)


- You have to upgrade "Q" because in early game it is your primary weapon. Long range damage dealer even in late game. In early game a level 4 "Q" is devestating. Although you have to wait until you get the bloodstone to spam it freely on the enemys. You mana just can't support it. always cast it wisely. Good timing is essentiel. Cast it on the enemy when: a, you can get two of them with it b, get last hits with it. After bloodstone? Well. Have fun!
- You need one level on "W" on level 2, because of the stun. Your "W" is what will make sure of a kill. If the enemy can escape after the stun...a "Q" is still faster:) Most players make the following mistakes:
a, Simply can't time it. Train it. Not so hard. Cast it before the enemy not on it!
b, The cast range is too short. Not a problem. "W" is great in ambushes and teamfights. In laning is kinda useless if the enemy is playing safe so dont spam it.
c, Start to upgrade it, not the "Q". As I said, it's kinda useless in the laning phase, so 1 more sec stun doesn't worth it.
- You passive needs a level on level 4, 'cause now you have enough mana to use your abilities more than once, and it can come in handy in though fights.
- I guess your ULTI doesn't need explain...oh wait..yes..NEVER initiate fights with it! END the fights with it! Got it? Good.


"Oh, starting with boots is a noob thing."
Not at all. In early game this is why most people don't buy boots. Boots give you the opportunity to go in and out to use your "Q" safely. After that, enemys start to have boots, BUT! now you already have your Phase boots, and your speed advantage is skill there, also you have a good damage.

You have mana problems at first, so start the building of your Bloodstone with a Soul Ring. Use it wisely though! Only activate it when you quickly need mana for a fight, but not you is the target.

RUSH RUSH RUSH! BLOODSTONE O'CLOCK! Get now your bloodstone as quickly as possible! You will need ganks now to get it! You are in hurry! If you get the bloodstone you no more have to pay attention to mana, and your "Q" needs a lot of it. If you don't get bloodstone you will never have enough mana for your ULTI and that's your ganking magic weapon.

An Aga is really nice to boost even more your ULTI. Altough, if the environment is harsh you should get the Optional Mid Game Item first. This is advised if the enemy has assassins like slark, pudge, riki, nix. You will need to escape. If they have Anti-Mage or Kunkka you will need a Veil to get armor, hp and make more damage on them.

After or before the Aga you will have to choose from the SB and Veil. I prefer mostly SB, 'cause it's perfect for ganking and escape either. Veil is good if the big teamfights start in the immediately in Mid Game, than Veil will help your teammates either and SB becomes useless for ganking.

At the End Game you will have two item slots remaining. If there are any invisivble ***** in enemy you will have to keep one to the sentry wards. NO DUST OR GEM! You are soft, sou loose the gem, and they will focus you for it. No one wants attention. Dust is not really good either cause you are on the edge of the fights, you can't use it properly.

3 items left to choose from. If you have become really the big carry you will need a refresher orb, to quickly pick out the ******* who wants to focus you. Noone can stand a double ULTI. If you are the big carry don't give a **** about wards. Convince the team with your awesome stat that THEY are YOUR supports. They have to buy wards and stuff. Cute isn't it:3 Now get a Shiva or a Monkey. Shiva if you have to take damage (if enemy has more than one CC dealer) or Monkey to make some good damage with your passive on those thought strength guys.

That's all

This was it. It worked for me a thousand times and Lina is my main. I try to be better with my other favorites, but I just can't keep up with my Lina. I triesd to show you how I do it. I hope it will help you!:)

Don't you dare use it against me! I know how to counter my own strategy! A good master is always know his weaknesses. B|

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