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9 Votes

Carry Lina

November 27, 2011 by exTro#154404
Comments: 13    |    Views: 107956    |   

Carry Lina

DotA2 Hero: Lina

Hero Skills

Combustion (Innate)

Dragon Slave

2 3 5 7

Light Strike Array

1 4 8 9

Fiery Soul

10 12 13 14

Laguna Blade

6 11 16


15 17 18

Carry Lina

November 27, 2011


Hello to my "Carry Lina"-Guide and my 3rd guide here on DotaFire.

She is an awesome spellcaster who can deal tons of burst damage and with this build I want to deal damage after my spells are on cooldown and to have so much mana regen that I can cast my abilities the whole day.

So I hope you will enjoy her like me as I played HoN with Pyromancer and there is my guide:

Have Fun!

Pros / Cons


+ High burst damage caster
+ Can carry with this build
+ With this build you have enough mana regen to cast your abilities the whole day
+ You should be able to take a bit of damage
+ With a combo she can kill early game instantly kill someone


- Low mana pool early
- Very slow early on
- Her spells get weaker later on


Now here is the explanation of the skills who are very awesome for a caster:

Q - Dragon Slave

This skill deals a nice amount of damage early game. It looks like a fire dragon and you can cast it near you and all enemys in the range of it get damage from it.

W - Light Strike Array

This spell deals magic damage in a small AoE radius and you can cast it near you. The good thing is you can stun the target/s. With the "Light Strike Array + Dragon Slave"-Combo you can deal nice damage on the enemys.

E - Fiery Soul

This skill is a passive what gives you after every spell you cast attack speed and movement speed for a short period of time. So it can stack up to three times.

R - Laguna Blade

This spell can deals tons of burst damage to one enemy and is mostly the lasthit on an enemy. The Combo what is very awesome and early game a 100% kill is: Light Strike Array > Dragon Slave > Laguna Blade.

The combo can be used also as that and should be always used in that form:
Light Strike Array > Dragon Slave > Laguna Blade > Normal Attacks


The items should give you everything you need in every case:

Start Items:

Iron Branch - Gives you good stats early game.

Healing Salve - This helps you to stay on lane.

Circlet - Gives you good stats early game.

Early Game:

Null Talisman - Gives you nice stats especially intelligence.

Phase Boots - It gives you damage, speed and a nice extra-speed-active. The damage is nice and it helps farming early game.

Aghanim's Scepter - This is a must have for Lina because the stats are nice and the ultimate get a huge damage buff.

Mid Game:

Bloodstone - It's an other very nice item. It gives you nice stats. HP, Mana (what is really helpful on her), HP-/Mana-Regen and a nice passive. I don't explain the passive but you can read it every time here on Dotafire:

Orchid Malevolence - This item is very very great on my Lina-Carry-Build. It gives us all we need as an caster-carry: Intelligence, Attack Speed, Damage and Mana-Regen (the highest in the game if I remember correctly). For this build it's also a must have.

Dagon - This is an awesome item with nice stats and a burst damage active what is perfect for Lina with her other burst-cast-spells. It can be upgraded 5 times with buying the recipe more times. The stats are Intelligence (what will be increased after buying the recipe more times). A few points to all stats and a bit damage. The damage of the active will be increased to by buing the recipe more times. Also the Manacost, Cooldown and Range of it.

Late Game:

Linken's Sphere - It is a great item later on because it gives more Mana/HP-Regen a few points to all attributes and a spell block passive with a 20 second cooldown.

Team Work

You can gank and with Light Strike Array you will make a kill maybe with ur team if you can land it. You should try farm of course but later on your stun and your burst can be important in the team fight to destroy the carry.


Lina is awesome and makes a lot fun with her burst damage and can be very strong after she used her abilities with this build.

Try her out and feel the fire in your hands and burn the enemys away with your abilities and let the ash from your enemys rain to the ground and let it breeze away from the air.

Have fun and play in team to be successgful.

Your Lina-Fan


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